Wednesday 2 November 2016

Colours and humanity

Image result for aura colours
The human body has an envelope known as the “aura”-this consists of various colours or hues, which often reflect the soul or the “higher self” of the individual. One can change certain traits, not all as it depends also on the age of the soul and its evolvement, by increasing or decreasing certain colours in one`s life-in one`s environment, in clothes or even with specific coloured lights.

 Every life has its phases-as many artist do ; one being Picasso . He went though a number of “colour periods” , the only difference is that artists are able to express  their emotions, passions , frustrations it in their art. The  different periods, it was dependent on how he felt at the time corresponding to his response to life. I am not a great Picasso fan, but I like the way he changed his style according to his moods-and his moods were often quite lengthy-often lasting a few years, some even longer. He would concentrate on certain colours that would reflect and identify his emotions. 

We are all like that, we just don`t realize it and are unable to express it , but it is within. Our aura colours which surrounds us, is not constant as it keeps changing as we evolve or devolve. We all have our dark “blue periods” –perhaps not as long as he did, but suffer the same emotional pains and often heartache, where we just want to disappear. Just drive into the sunset and keep driving. Those times we feel downtrodden, sad gloomy melancholy -boxed in, filled with gloom and doom. The predominant colour is a melancholy very dark blue, almost black. But then there  is the vibrant hues of  blues-of vibrating energy-the colour and electricity of lightning-which is our healing “positive energy”  that is part of the human aura and is actually transferable to others, with positive intent.

The colour “indigo” is very prominent in this age-it will increase psychic, intuitive more than any other colour. You maybe able to access past lives, memories, dimensions. It will make you more akin to the new technology of the 21st century. This colour will increase everything that has to do with emotional and psychic abilities. Many of the souls  born today have a lot of  ”indigo” in their aura, it is associated with the “new age” and the next dimension we are stepping into-and are old souls.

Often we express  and radiate happiness with more uplifting colours, like- “pink or red”-like red roses that signify love, energy, passion , sensuality and fiery personality-including anger , frustration-which passes rather quickly. Much of our aura colours are tied in with our astrological signs, though I know very little of this art-except as I am a fire sign, I have little  “red”, but more so almost all of the “blues” and some “indigo”.

We are drawn to certain colours like “orange”-which represents more of the thrill seeker in us, the daring-winning and doing daring things. If you want to  expose your humourous lighter side  you need more “yellow”. This  to “orange” is the opposite-easy going , happy, joyful, gentle and connected to nature. 

Increasing “Magenta “will make you do a little more shocking things-become more eccentric and you will be less bored finding things of interest to do. You will feel you want to be a little more shocking, eccentric, it will help you to surround yourself more with “magenta”. It will help you enjoy parties, social events more and more comfortable in crowds. You will become a bit more outrageous and even awake the artist in you. 

Wearing or adding more “green” into you lifestyle, especially wearing it, will point you onto a road of being more organized, staying and focused on goals-will tend to make you a bit more of a perfectionist. It will help you to be more helpful to the planet.
One of the most important colours for emotional and spiritual development is  the hues of “blue”s-it increases love , compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and many positive emotions. It makes us more responsive towards others, being more humane and “do no harm” –is the motto. The need to help others is very important when “blue” is increased. The more “blue” the more intuitive, feels things. “Blue”” increases one`s psychic abilities, as well as healing as well as spirituality. Those gut feeling one of, one  often has-this is be it in the aura or externally, meaning clothes or environment.

Increasing “violet” in your life, makes you more aware of conditions on the planet-being more sensitive to it; having a desire to help as one becomes more aware of the fast pace of time.  Appreciation for music will become much stronger due to this colour. Gives one a need to do something that is important to one`s heart-not necessarily on a world stage, but on the personal stage-like becoming more humanitarian. “Lavender”-will make you quieter, increasing one`s spirituality. Your imagination will work overtime-myths, magical , angels will have more importance in your life-all that is whimsical will be more apparent around you. Gentleness is brought out-sensitivity to crystals and burning of incense will enhance the lavender affect.

There are three variety hues of “ tan”s, from lighter to darker  each have an affect on –environment, sensitivity, the abstract. The “tan”s increases sensitivity more towards the mundane, business, finance-environmental, sensitive, aspect of life.  The more worldly things. Will make you more aware of problems of others on the world stage and the need to help, also a bit more emotional; and mood changes will be more apparent to you.  This will make you more scattered; theorize more than do things. Thus one can choose  the traits that one wants to enhance or decrease in one`s life by surrounding one with specific colours. 

So by changing the colours in one`s life, even a few minutes a day as with specific coloured lights will make a huge difference in changing ourselves -exploring it to enhance our physical and spiritual life in our life. One can actually heal with certain colours become more enlighted and see with cosmic vision. Become more helpful for the planet, heal  humanity and increase our awakening, raising our consciousness within the new age –our progression of spirit in the scheme of the Universal Mind .One can actually change our physical, emotional as well as spiritual life to a very large degree-thus is an other aspect of our free will which is the greatest of grace and gifts to humanity from our Creator.

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