Thursday 20 October 2016

Are we better off?

Image result for church artist

It is a sad reflection on our humanity when instead of embracing the past, we wildly want to leave it behind –often not learning or building on the experience of the ones that have come before us. Life as is beauty - is a mystery, and often letting it all hang out is not exactly an idea that is most noteworthy. One`s spiritual life, as is said with prayer, should be in secret to a degree. Time, thoughtfulness, contemplation is the basis of a life that is sacred, divine-the hectic speed, frenzy of today`s pace simple makes us hyper and cynical and to be honest on the verge of insanity. We are losing our soul in some sense, and driving down a very dangerous path.

I ask you why do most people have serious emotional, mental problems today? Because life is so great? Is it better for our spiritual development?-which is really the meaning of our life-our very existence. A majority of my patients suffer from depression of various sorts of mental disease and most have been on numerous medications. Suicide, drug use and all sort of perverse behaviour is on the up swing sadly.

So, then is the modern technological world so wonderful? Are we in a better place because we are in the 21st Century?  Or was a less hectic world better for spiritual and emotional well being? Where is mindfulness found these days? In the transfiguring power of concrete modern jungles, or in our dangerous inner cities? Or in the horrific images on TV, or or in the vile verbiage of rap music? Maybe in the adoration of the celebrity culture?  Or perhaps in , man`s inhumanity against man? These are the symbols and images we are overwhelmed with daily, and from which we distill our inspirations from, with deliberate conscious self-affirmation.  The grand liberation of our new age has put man in immoral shackles, not freedom.

Many are against organized religions, I totally agree and understand the point. I have to admit I find tremendous faults with it myself, however at least it allowed people to some degrees to have a spot for a moment in time to gather their thought, of reflection in a tranquil surrounding-in the form of a temple, church, mosque or a peace garden and go within.

To find oneself is not going at a faster pace, it`s not seeking it externally, it`s not shutting God out and it`s not embracing the twisted ideology of many aspects of modern thinking-where the abnormal becomes norm and the obnoxious become the accepted. Decorum, loyalty, dignity and honor is hardly existent in our modern vocabulary. Honesty-hell, what is that? Where is integrity hiding these days?


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