Wednesday 21 September 2016

Music, and scent

Image result for sandalwood scent
The human mind is created in the most wonderful and mysterious way- a masterpiece of a Grand Creator . It can easily make references, lay down mental patterns-mostly through the senses, as to remember the moment of specific incidences. 

Music is one of those many things- as the likes of scents, sounds, textures, photographs, objects and such like, that transports us back to when we first had an encounter with the experience. We see the entire moment of the experience in panorama-including some minutes before the experience as well as after-meaning like an entire chapter of a book or a movie scene. It conjures up the past most beautifully.  Often places and people-the strange thing is that according to studies, it is more tied in with remembrance of good experiences as opposed to bad. For me- music has the deepest affect, as I would presume most people-I am not unique in this, we all have many of these experiences filed away in our subconscious.

Scent is an odd one for me.  Incense especially  has to be strangest one for me; for it is a the primary start of  a recollection –the scent of sandalwood specifically brings back a flood of memories, but this is a strange one for it is not really the scent, but the name that I associate with a piece of music, which in turn is associated with a person. It is in fact more of a cascading affect. So, often our memories are in fact a string of different actions or events that bring forth the specific memory.

An other weird one for me is relating to scent. For the past 30 years or so I have one specific perfume called “Opium” that I love to use-yes, great name, perhaps it is infused with magick (yes, with a ~ck~) and mysticism and alchemy-( I need a smily emoticom here)- I don`t use it always-but only at specific times, as I do have others. But when I am with a special person, or at a special event that is the one I will use-thus when I get a whiff of the fragrance-I have many memories arising all at the same time- it is a very strange sensation indeed, but very soothing accompanied by a feeling of  joy and happiness.  

Music has the same affect-often I may  hear a  piece many times over, and it does nothing for me-then suddenly I am in a situation, or with a person  -and  it gets to have a special resonance-and it encodes in my brain-maybe into my mind and soul, perhaps. 

I always loved Pachabel`s Canon- but is was just a beautiful peace of music. Then many years ago- I was in a tiny very old  church –and a wedding was starting. Suddenly this awesome, magical sound of a violin broke the air-it was Canon . I remember every detail of the church, the wedding, the candle lit candelabra, the stain glass windows-all-yet they were strangers- and each time I hear it , I am once again in that tiny old church attending a strangers wedding. Yes-and it makes me fee so wonderful. True- I said at my next wedding this will be playing, not Gounod`s Ave Maria like at my first. So, I am still waiting for my knight on a white horse, or in a white VW Beetle -at least I have something to be waiting for!

I am sue every human being on the planet has numerous of these stories-so, go and listen to some of the great music that is hiding in your mind-or sniff some special scent ; and you will feel incredibly happy and joyful. We only have the memories, remember; all else passes-nothing is permanent but change-so said Lao Tzu.

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