Tuesday 6 September 2016


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I got to thinking  whether there is really a heaven. Is there an actual heaven? What does it actually look like? Is it an actual place? Where is it? Or if we believe in re-incarnation--where do we go after we have no more karma exactly? Or other beliefs? Is heaven strictly a philosophical/theological/religious idea? I certainly believe that there is no hell at all. But heaven- in some ways; definitely.

All descriptions of heaven and hell are in language that man can understand and comprehend, but I very much doubt that it is like that. I do believe in heaven, but in something that is beyond our mental faculty-simply heaven for me a reunification with God which is basically end of our mission.

The physicist M Kaku comes to mind when we try and comprehend the incomprehensible-his answer to these deep philosophical questions is very simple--  especially when he compares our understanding regarding life in the universe, as he explains often with this story: if there is a highway which is being built next to an ant hill, how could an ant understand what is happening and what it is all about, as his universe is strictly within the borders of his understanding of his reality.  His mind is within certain limits and cannot comprehend the concept of a highway. So if this is just regarding life in the cosmos, then how can one imagine the concept of heaven?

All the things that we perceive around us - are physical manifestations of creation, heaven in whatever way we tend to imagine it is on a different vibrational level- be it in a different dimension  or be that an actual place- it is can only be understood with a transcended spirit-often the eastern religions will call is  enlightenment.  Most thing that we do in this life is strictly rooted in our physicality- earthly pleasures are physical, to satisfy the material body once we can get beyond that is when we starting to wake up. 

Though the physical experiences are important for the unfolding of spirit towards God realization, to learn all the lessons.  However we need to understand that we are just inhabiting this body.-it is our vehicle of expression, of understanding and of learning about ourselves and our way back to God. So once we unite in God why would we even desire the physical? All these pleasures of the world are just our humanity shining through, but we are spiritual beings. Our destination is that which we call “heaven”-it is not a physical place-what it is I still do not know, but it is.

No one knows only what is written in our hearts, our truth--and that is individual dialogue between "spirit" and God. No wrong or right way to walk our journey. We each have our own way, an individual  quest of numerous lifetimes- strictly  a personal way for each one of us with which we feel right with which we feel at peace with. None of us knows what lies ahead, especially no man-- the real truth is far more complex than we can ever imagine-so whatever works for each individual at this point is the "true way" to that place called heaven.

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