Thursday 22 September 2016


Image result for latest cohen song
Dark, beautiful and deep is "You Want It Darker"  Cohen`s latest -perhaps most prophetic words to date. He's 82-and much reference to death, especially in this piece. The background chant, "Hineini", is Hebrew for "here I am." It appears 3 times in the Akedah-the story of Abraham`s sacrifice of Isaac, which is read every Rosh Hashanah . 

First when God calls him, then when Isaac calls him and finally when the angel calls him as he is about to make the sacrifice. Abraham's faith lies not in his willingness to make the sacrifice, but his certainty that God will not require him to do so. That the test will end with life rather than death-so perhaps that too is in the heart of Cohen.

Some weeks ago-the world heard about an emotional letter that he wrote  to his former love,  and muse Marianne Ihlen, before she died in late July: "Well Marianne it`s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine,". The words "Hineni, hineni; I’m ready my lord", sounds quite eerie after his letter.

His words are often most thought provoking and poignant. He basically recites poetry rather than actually singing these days-which is so beautiful and he becomes more of a poet, than a singer, which he actually is. His words are beautiful flowing poetry. 

Despite his words from Anthem, "There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in," I see his songs getting darker. He sings that he is ready to go. This song was released today, on his 82nd birthday.  

This year has made me realize how much I need to appreciate and treasure people in my life who are still present, as well as  those artists of true greatness still giving us their art. Leonard Cohen is certainly one of them.

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