Tuesday 23 August 2016

Kundalini 1

One never knows when the "kundalini" is awakened. Yes-my own work is cut out for me. Message sent, whether it is read depends on awakening. But we all have to start at one point-though the problem often is, that ; help is offered, but none is taken. Do not just say: "much to learn" saying it does nothing, so do it. One is so ready.
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
Someone once said:  I love your morning “missives”, my messages.  I appreciated that. When one writes it is good to know that at times, not always it may strike a chord within spirit, and actually have some deeper meaning. Stir up something at the bottom of our hearts or even deeper, our souls. Though I am no deep thinker, nor an extraordinary spiritual being.  I just write what flows from my mind unimpeded at times, without much forethought—like automatic writing.

A u-tube video that came to me, well truly only God knows how, yesterday, about consciousness by Dr. William Tiller—brought up so many thoughts about life and got me pondering on so many things—especially what is really important and what is not. Our little daily “all-ado-about-nothings” that we so worry about. Chasing happiness, love which is like a cat that chases its own tail—never being able to catch it, not realizing it is his own tail he is desperately after. Yet—all we need to do is look is to stop empty the mind, and for a moment look out there—at the sky or simply a leaf or a tiny spider—and realize the magnificence, the mystery and the awesome design of whom we are—the mystery that we actually are, that we are actually within—as Einstein so well realized.

It is like the enlightenment that Merton experienced on a summer day in the 50`s –on that street corner one summer day in Louisville Kentucky. It struck him as he saw all the people walk by—how special all of life is, how we are all connected and how we each one of us carries the light of God —and  he realized and experienced –the presence of divinity. He actually saw each individual soul shine, sparkle –as the stars in the sky.  Realizing this is the virtual moment when one awakes to existence. This is enlightenment in action.

Such a feeling is simply not just simply seeing things—it is seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling in a totally different light, coming from a far different place— experiencing all of creation  suddenly at once, in one holy moment and understanding it at a soul level. That is when the messages arise from spirit. Maybe that is a time when the Holy Spirit actually descends on us—when though we may have faith—as a religion, but when we start to have faith as a cosmic experience.

When we activate, the basal chakra-1st- is when the "kundalini" awakes and  starts rising- then the 2nd —sacral,  3rd--solar plexus, 4th— heart, or the 6th— brow/or third eye—or perhaps  7th --crown chakra are activated. And we suddenly  become aware what all is about—that we are within this incomprehensible "divine design". So complex a thought, yet when realized—completely natural—like coming home. Probably what saints feel as they experience visions and ecstasies —this incomprehensible energy connects to "all that IS". Most of humanity is still activating the basal chakra, a few the sacral and even few the higher centers.  However—one has to realize—that the energy of the 1st—the basal chakra, has to be activated  before anything can happen —"the kundalini", has to be awakened,  the actual serpent energy—as it moves up the centers like a snake,  for the process to begin. Some—have not even activated that. Without the "kundalini" rising—there is no enlightenment possible even in a smallest of ways. And –it is sleeping, coiled up, in so many, dormant and unresponsive.

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