Monday 1 August 2016

Secret of spirituality

I often dwell much on the spiritual life; I go through cycles as to how to approach it-at times in the traditional religious way-namely as a straight Catholic, then sometimes more in the eastern traditional ways and  at times even through mythology. But I have to confess- I am not closer to spirituality than the day I was born-I have no answers. The more I try to understand, the more I read and study sacred wisdom, the more I see that I know absolutely nothing about spirituality -but neither does anyone else. They are all deceiving themselves for our intellect is at such a low ebb, that even the most noble scholar of the sacred writing knows nothing. For God is not about to be revealed, the sacred, the mystical is unfathomable-thus is God.

Some would say what an odd way of looking at it all this- for either you are living in spirituality in some ways  or you are not. At times I think that everything about life is towards heightening our awareness of spirituality-but then God created us to make life our priority- and live in this world totally –not escaping behind cloistered wall be that literally or figuratively. I do not think the idea of  God was that we pray and fast all day- and chant mantras and try and figure out the mystery of spirit or His incomprehensible mind. Neither does He demand burnt offerings, or any other sacrifices of self- but to live a life of benediction, of sacredness, of integrity, of compassion and of gratefulness- with a heart filled with mercy and love towards all. Kindness and love are the sacredness that he instilled in us, and I think that it would be his wish to exercise those gifts of grace.

No long spiritual dialogues is needed that nobody in their right mind will understand, no endless dissertations on complex theology is necessary,  no complicated prayers need to be recited, no  incomprehensible language is demanded from God. When Our Lord was asked how to pray- it was very simple- the less words the better.  The divine, the sacred cannot be expressed no mater how we try, it can only be felt-and God understands the language of our soul-few words are needed. God embraces us in our simplicity, in our nakedness and in our humanity. He understands us and envelops us in His complete love. 

Searching for spirituality is futile- spirituality is inherent in us-within our soul, it is not something separate- for it is the divine spark that is God manifesting Himself within us, experiencing Himself within us. It is the bond between all of life and God. One cannot find something that one already possesses- one simply has to acknowledge, accept and completely emerge with it, become inseparable from it. We search when we feel we are separated from it, we never are.  Spirituality is not out there, it is  all within, ever present, it is the manifestation of the spirit of God.

Spirituality is not a journey at whose end one will discover enlightenment- spirituality is a way of  living life daily following the voice of the soul and following the dictates of spirit that proceeds from the divine will of God which infuses every aspect of creation. One just need to look and listen as it is all there in its simplicity for us to  read and follow.

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