Saturday 2 July 2016

Madame Butterfly

This week there was a meeting between the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto and the President of the United States Barack Obama-much was spent in political diatribe, however, I found it very interesting that the Mexican president mentioned the migration of the Monarch Butterflies, those incredible little creatures came up as a rather important topic as connection of the three nations -almost as a metaphor ; and as how important their conservation means to the planet-however when I heard this or a mention or  see an image of any butterfly, I see one story in my mind- and a most beautiful story in my life gets resurrected.

 Ever since I can remember I have always loved opera and ballet. When I was about 4 years old-which was rather unusual to do at that age, but my parents took me a number of times to the theater, maybe that is where I got inoculated; I still adore all opera and ballet. 

Then when I got older, I read up all the stories of many of the operas - and at about age 12 I started listening to them on records- I didn`t see any live as there was no opera in South Africa-so simply the music had to do. But I was in love with every one of them, each note-which many of my friends found very strange, but it did, still does something to my soul. I also read up much about the composers and their lives.

When I graduated from high school, before entering university-I saved some money and took a trip all by myself at age 17 to Europe; Switzerland, Italy, France -my final destination was Hungary, from where I am from, but before getting to Budapest I had to full fill my dream, which was to go to Austria and to the Vienna Opera; I spent 10 wonderful days there. Europe was safe, no fear of anything or anyone then for a 17 old and I had the most beautiful time- and I was all alone. I did not have much money, but had enough to got to the opera and see three amazing performances; Madame Butterfly, Tosca and The Fledermaus -but my only  real dream was to see Puccini`s Madame Butterfly all my life to hear the "Humming Chorus"-it was pure magic. I also wanted to see Carmen- but ran out of money -but I did see it in Hungary at the Budapest State Opera and a few others.-so one could call me an "opera freak".

So all butterflies hold a special place in my heart when I see one, hear of one it brings back such sweet memories and the beautiful times I spent in Vienna- not just seeing Madame Butterfly- but visiting all the awesome, most extraordinary palaces, museums, galleries, parks, royal cemeteries, churches, cathedrals, cafes and the magical Vienna Woods- making a lifetime of memories which I still carry in my heart; without opera one `s soul cannot unfold in my mind-it is food for the spirit and heart .

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