Sunday 1 May 2016

Memory collection

It is raining this morning, and I remember well  each time it rains that I once wrote to someone I love deeply -that I send kisses with each rain drop- Mmmm, I wonder if he remembers when it rains? There are so many things we love as human beings, yet we are as different as each snowflake. One of my favourite songs is "I love..."by Tom T Hall-when I hear it  It always reminds me of things I love. Strange, but often these things, these thoughts get lost in the mundane and the hustle and bustle of life, yet these are really the most important things that give meaning to our lives, spiritual as well as  temporal.

I am a collector of memories- Gloria Vanderbilt in her biography, that was on CNN the other night put it very succinctly- that all that happened in her life has never passed, it is always present-there is no past; all is present. I used to think that way, and I sort of lost it it the shuffle of life- but I have decided once more to revisit it- especially with all the things I have put away in -boxes, trunks, binders and such weird places that I even smile at.

I have things one can hardly imagine-nothing gets thrown out; well, not important stuff like letters, notes, birthday cards, books with flowers pressed within their pages- I even have an Andersen  storybook my grandfather gave me at age 10, and my cherished "autograph book" from when I was 12...with so many delightful messages ...., hundreds of nick-nacks  each with their very own unique, special story, old rusted keys, corks from bottles that lived through special dates, stones with messages written on them, serviettes from distant places, shells-each one with a special connection, some with profound insights written on them marking the moment....., coral picked up on distant beaches, driftwood from Tobago, old school stuff, my fountain pen, pencil box, my Latin text book-even my black with red stripes school jersey and hat band from grade 5 when I was at the convent...., old dolls with plastic heads;battle scarred with arms missing- but still cherished dearly , toys,-my very first stuffed brown elephant when I was 7.... old boxes that gifts arrived in, even a crystal rainbow angel and a blue silk scarf.

The strange thing about  this is each time one revisits or looks at these items a whole story is re-created in one`s head- so I agree all is the present . But then of course there are other things that trigger the conceptual mind, I simply adore that are continually around me ; especially rainy days like today- and so many things - like music how amazingly it transports us back to different times, the fragrance of the ocean, the gentle flow of the river  here in my back yard, the smell of the grass after rain, the silent falling of snow, the sound of birds at dawn, walking though the forest and seeing what beauty lies in creation- always reminds me of different times and places that have touched my heart.....well and above all else the thousands of photographs hiding everywhere which are the actual witness to my life-each one telling a story of that special moment-whether I was 2 or now- it all flows back  and beacomes the present; all is alive and well within my heart all these things that I have enumerated in this post contributes to my life- this one and the one to come....we take nothing with us except the memories that all of these things, event and actions have evoked within spirit.

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