Friday 20 November 2015

Show me your heart

I am reminded of the words of Thomas Merton at this sad time in human history-during this awful terrible, painful and heart wrenching times ; tears flow like rivers, and there is unimaginable pain on all sides intermingled with immense suffering at every juncture in this human tragedy. A child, is a child; to a parent which ever side; pain chooses not its victim- a brother is a brother, sister...father, mother .....irrespective of which side of the fence we are observing the action from. 

Some will understand, some will not, some will understand but do nothing, out of fear and hate, others, a select few will act according to their heart. We each have our own conscience to answer to.Just remember- we are all connected, arise and return to one- compassion, mercy, forgiveness, understanding and love is not simple the birthright of one, but a duty of every single human soul that exists on the planet. A wise tale from Lord Buddha....."it is the dharma of the scorpion to sting, but it is the dharma of the monk in the river to save the scorpion from drowning when it falls into the water".

Thomas Merton:
"I stand among you as one who offers a small message of hope, that first, there are always people who dare to seek on the margin of society, who are not dependent on social acceptance, not dependent on social routine, and prefer a kind of free-floating existence under a state of risk.
And among these people, if they are faithful to their own calling, to their own vocation, and to their own message from God, communication on the deepest level is possible.
And the deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. It is beyond words, and it is beyond speech and beyond concept."

Worn out shoes

Above all, believe in true love and know that men are like shoes, all men. without exception. A couple is like a left and a right foot, and out there is your perfect fit- well so it seems when he says he has been searching the entire universe for you, let me add "forever and a day"....and has found you in the house next door, or in the next post on FB. But, sadly, sometimes you need to change styles and shop around to find the genuine article, for the one from next door may not be it.....and forever was an illusion. You were never the sun that he claimed you to be, him being that awesome planet...that needed you for his very survival. 

Sometimes you have to break styles in....or give it to the Salvation Army thrift store for safe keeping, till it is picked up by the next- "twin flame"....for as it seems contrary to what you may think,-men have many "twin flames".... . Sometimes you feel like something that is unstylish but comfortable, and sometimes a style - as much as you like - just does not suit you and will never fit.....and so it is. In truth.....the notion of a "twin flame"is simply the wild imaginings of crazy poets, , dreamers, chivalrous knights .....and delusions of worn out shoes.

Eyes of soul

Life is most strange, awfully complicated but filled with unimaginable treasures times rather deceiving, for gold may not be gold simply gilded lead, and what often seems simply rhinestone maybe a real diamond in disguise ; nothing is ever as as it looks- it hides secrets, has mysteries and is filled with magic and illusions. Thus- the moral is<<< see with the eyes of the soul and the heart- for your eyes will always deceive you

No secrets

We humans are ever so strange creatures- live our lives is secret and mystery; we think we are special, unique-which we are .....however I have come to learn that the human heart hold no secrets when there is love involved, or perhaps we simply live our lives in the flow of synchronicity; for all always eventually reveals its self, with time, patience and through loving intention. Thus- secrets are non-existent at a soul level....we are forever connected. Yes- you know exactly what I am talking about; but are afraid to admit it to yourself. There are no secrets.

Endless river

To see and enter the light is a most profound awakening....thus has happened to me today through chance, synchronicity, perhaps accident, though I hardly think that there is such a thing- but in one word through the revelation of God.I have entered the first steps of awakening into reality- in my life.
My soul feel light as a feather, as if scales have fallen from my eyes- I now see, as before I was blind through my ego, want, need and perhaps fear....yet what I feared the most to lose , I have never lost- for that is forever with me;the loss is to "my other self" that has died -metaphorically. I am so grateful....I have come to understand that there are no "endless rivers", for they all reach a lake or an ocean eventually.....thus I have. Leonard Cohen was wrong


Funny human qualities - honesty, integrity and honor. Much us said about it; so few master it, in fact lie to themselves about it….ego edges all out including God. Yet we lie, cheat and betray ones we love most dearly. Yet- love costs not a penny, kind words, deeds, compassion cost not even a brass farthing, …yet we squander it away ever so easily without a fleeting thought. Then, sadly as time passes becomes crystal clear the feeling of deep loss of the treasure we have allowed to slip by. When we have lost, that we have valued the most, we realize within our heart of what a blessed grace we have been gifted and have allowed to slip though our hands; love –like water we allow it to trickle though our fingers …..never to return- sadly this we do being fully aware of our deed, this act of pride becomes the very sword we fall upon. 

Later, we look back teary eyed, dejected, feeling sorry for our selves-totally lost. Filled with regret, pain and wonder why we are so punished by fate, by life and we blame God. The truth is that we punish our very selves for not seeing the beauty of love, of being loved, being valued and cared for without restrictions, without wanting anything in return-and at the time we throw it away with full consciousness.

Value love for often there are seldom second chances. For when it comes time that we are all stripped to bare bones before the divine and facing eternity, we will understand that the only law we were meant to follow, was to love ourselves and each other fully, without restrictions. Nothing more, nothing less. Often this realization comes far too late with tremendous pain.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Things lost

Funny human qualities - honesty, integrity and honor. Much us said about it; so few master it, in fact lie to themselves about it….ego edges all out including God. Yet we lie, cheat and betray ones we love most dearly. Yet- love costs not a penny, kind words, deeds, compassion cost not even a brass farthing, …yet we squander it away ever so easily without a fleeting thought. Then, sadly as time passes becomes crystal clear the feeling of deep loss of the treasure we have let us slip by.  When we have lost, that we have valued the most, then we realize within our heart of what a blessed grace we were given, yet  we have allowed to slip though our hands; love  –like water we allow to trickle though our fingers  …..never to return- sadly this we do being fully aware  of our deed, this act of pride becomes the very sword we fall upon. 

Later, we look back teary eyed, dejected, feeling sorry for our selves-totally lost. Filled with regret, pain and wonder why we are so punished by fate, by life and we blame God. The truth is that we punish our very selves for not seeing the beauty of love, of being loved, being valued and cared for without restrictions, without wanting anything in return-and at the time we throw it away with full consciousness.

Value love for often there are seldom second chances. For when it comes time that we are all stripped to bare bones before the divine and facing eternity, we will understand that the only law we were meant to follow, was to love ourselves and each other fully, without restrictions. Nothing more, nothing less. Often this realization comes far too late with tremendous pain.