Tuesday 27 January 2015

Zen music

I wonder about people that I meet, they seem to be looking for love most desperately.  It seems that everything hangs on whether they are being loved or not. However, it does not—what life really depends on is whether we love or not. Happiness is the authentic interpretation of true love. Being happy is a state of mind,—a peace of spirit, what I would call “Zen music” that make up true spirit of love—it is not always an other person in this lifetime that contains the seed of our happiness. But—remember in the end it actually does, but there is no time-frame for the infinite. 

Like musical notes; there are the moments  in our various different lifetimes – eventually when the notes come together: all the notes and the silent spaces, and suddenly you have a magical piece at the end. It is never a constant for we fluctuate within ourselves, thus all is in constant change within physicality, within temporal time—so it seems to us. But why are we so very much dependent on another to make us happy in the so called “present”?  Because we have forgotten the purpose of why we are actually here—which is to accumulate “Zen musical points”. I think the secret is to find those “Zen notes" as well as "silent spaces” within our hearts, which then becomes a magnet and draws our counterpart to us—it sends out a beacon of light, our own specific energy signature into the void of the universe so that we maybe found. It is no use searching frantically in the physical material world, for then we simply lose sight of the real encounter. 

I think the confusion lies in all the romantic notion that is out there, all the things we are bombarded with, the way we should be, the way we should feel—be that in books, music or simply in the psyche of man, which I confused with love. That is simply ways of keeping the species going—it is physical manifestation of our energy field.  It is not love. 

Never consciously search for love, simply love all that around you with every beat of your heart. Not out of need, but out of pure consciousness of soul—that is the answer, and for some reason it will always find you.  Often we tend to feel that we are incomplete without being in love—true, for that is our ideal state of existence. However the more we force the issue, the further it will be pushed away.  A need, a want is an “egoic” emotion that is an illusion to trap the physical aspect of spirit. Simply open up yourself, allowing all energy to flow into you, this frees or opens the flow of energy to and from the heart—do not obsess about it, do not run after it will find you. Watch and listen to the musical notes from spirit, observe synchronicity, be aware of each moment and you shall be able to discern the truth. You shall be able to read the "musical language" of that what already is within you—the reflection will find itself to your heart, and you will see yourself as well as your beloved; be that in the physical  or transcendental  sphere of existence. Remember;  all is illusion—this human form is not our home, neither is it permanent, our the transcendental existence is. That is then where one has to be looking.

Thus happily try and find the notes as well the silent spaces between the notes in your own music. The sound you make is the most important aspect, as each note leads to the unfolding of your own symphony—what is important is the music that comes from you  as you journey along towards the cadenza—for that is our true destination, that what makes us grow and that what contains all, including our beloved—which is love itself.....the music of the soul.

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