Tuesday 27 January 2015

On soul

Yes, love is the energy that ties all, but it is not the romantic version, but the cosmic version— once that is realized the twin soul`s dormant “energy part” –realizing that they are one- so to speak- gets ignited by this recognition –it is akin to awakening , whereby though this energy field they can ascend to a higher plane of existence in this dimension –both are the same part of that one soul essence( twin souls are one divine spark, but were split at the moment of creation).  They have the same mission often—to help other souls through different transitions —once I was told it is a kind of “pulling souls through” to higher aspects—this is the mission of most twin souls—but they also have a mission of working out certain areas within their energy field, so mission is manyfold. Together they are more apt in their mission.
Once one realizes who that twin soul is, often through—different aspects; like numbers (numerology aspects), elements (fire, water, earth, air), astrological connections, different memory patterns of past lives. Yes—the immediate response is passionate love beyond reason, physical desire for the recognition brings forth all the emotions from the “higher self/oversoul”, like a waterfall cascading down , like a fire engulfing the heart—but that soon passes when true realization sets in as to purpose and goal —often eventually they go on separate paths of working on their own flawed aspects, but are fully connected, united in the spiritual sense —the term “wedded forever”, is probably the closest term I would use. But—not necessarily being together physically on this plane—the term” been there , done that” in many other past lives comes to mind. The more you don`t need the physical connection or union, the more transcended you and your twin are,—for you are more into the cosmic fields of consciousness, as opposed to the physical fields. While you are searching to find that twin- the very part of yourself in fact_--as Beethoven put it ”my otherself”- because you are actually them , they are you, if it is on a romantic level you are seeking, then you haven`t actually found them. 

Once you get passed that—and have let go freely, unconditionally, because—that is when you are truly connected—as Rumi also put it, ”lovers are within each other all along”-. For once found yourself, you can never lose them—no matter if you never see them in the physical world ever, you are one. Your paths may split—because the mission often as numerous counterparts— but once united with your twin, you are much more powerful energetically, spiritually, cosmically you become more “strong” in a way—though it is a wrong word to use—it is more of a force that you can wield, because two has become one.If the split in this world bothers one, then a few more re-unions are probable to work out all the un-resolved stuff of "self"--once you love that counter part as yourself and have no issues but "love"--then one is truly united and often no more earthly re-incarnations are necessary. 

After this the united soul takes one step further towards the unification with Divine Consciousness/God as it proceeds further towards its final destination of total emergence with God- from whence it came, which is the primary goal of each soul.

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