Tuesday 27 January 2015


A SMALL OBSERVATION of the TIMES:....think about it ......!

Maybe it is age, maybe time but I am rather disenchanted with the world…..I was looking at the news, full of bad stuff. Then…an interview came on about new video games for Christmas. The person was saying…what a great game it is…so cool like you drop bombs, have these special fantastic nuclear weapons to vaporize people, kill dozens at a time, blow up scores of people form miles away…it is like super SWAT , Green Berets, Navy Seals and other special forces all rolled into one. Every kid should get one……. greatest game on the planet. Kill, kill, kill…as a mantra for the new man. 

WOW…if this is the way to peace, then this planet is in more trouble than ever imagined. In truth I doubt if man has moved one step forward with this thinking towards enlightenment…sadly in more sense, we have taken one step back.

I think this is certainly the time of separation from the ego……for we have a choice to make, and can choose anything we wish…so none of us is special, for we all have the same free will to choose. The planet is going through tremendous changes—whether you believe in the light workers, ascended masters, Plaeidaians, Sirians, Rigelians or any other beings for within, or without our universe—makes no difference. All is illusion, and we live it.

Now--it is a wake up call for our planet to be or not to be—as Shakespeare so aptly put it. Be it the truth of extraterrestrials being here or not--, or our own super-soul calling to us—or our own heart awakening, it makes no difference. We need to wake up and be the light beings we are—or perish. 

 Shame on us……we call ourselves the pinnacle of creation?? I am extremely sad.

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