Tuesday 27 January 2015

Seasons in the sun

Looking back  on our lives-well our teenage lives at this juncture, we have made so many promises to each that for some reason we forgot to keep. Swore to love each other forever. Didn`t we  Den?  maybe we had no concept of love nor forever?  Our behaviour, be it on purpose, or due to life`s circumstance, it is still a major betrayal of love. It is still a total mystery to me. But, these statements makes me stop and pause for thought; as maybe  it is not a betrayal nor a mystery at all. Maybe one has to view it all from an other level, from a soul perspective. 

Whatever happened,  happened, thus it actually is existing in some future or past dimension, for it has been created-we created it, either in this life, or some past life. And if we believe what the theoretical physicists are saying; there are numerous outcomes of those happenings, at the same exact time—in those parallel universes. Providing that there is actually something called time. 

Now this theory makes me feel a bit better—kinda, sorta makes some sense to me. Perhaps wishful thinking—yes the romantic in me is alive and well. Maybe I am simply “the gateway” to  these alternate universes, simply by remembering—there just maybe a sane explanation for my insane behavior through half a century. Now here is a ball that one can run with.

I really do not know what you think, how you feel—if ever you think about those days—but it did happen. Whether you nor I think of it or not, it actually did happen. We were never meant to be together in this life, I now know—I have always known. Strangely, I have always been guide by spirit and have come to learn why things are as they are. I also know that there are no coincidences, only synchronicity—and that we pre-plan our path, except for the minor details which are taken care of by “ego”, and the direction of God. The key to it all is acceptance and letting go. One should accept the phrase: “Thy will be done” quite literally as whether you are religious or not one has to admit that we are guided by a higher power- call it what you will; I call Him --God.  

I certainly had bit of a hard time with the “letting go” part; but I have come to terms with it many, many years ago. I really do not have regrets about my life-I am happy, content and grateful  about how things have turned out. Everything is for a reason, and everything has a season. We did, but much was out of time.

Thus—we are all enigmas, all dancing this strange dance within eternity. Remember—life is finite. How we act, how we do, how we end things determines much, especially the next round . In the end perhaps it will be nice to hear : “mission accomplished”. Think about this –and act wisely, go with your heart and soul. Do not allow your ego to rule over you. It is never late for anything while we are breathing—mend fences, mend fences. And mend some more fences with people who love you—who need your love. Think about it long and hard and allow yourself be ruled by your heart. There is always still time to make memories . One cannot undo the past, but certainly one can change the future—and then  “ales sal reg kom”—all will come right.
One thing I have to acknowledge and confess here-though I love you dearly, you are most certainly my soul mate- but not my twin soul. We had much to work out, we have. Its over- we can rest in peace now. Always sweet thoughts of you, Den-till the next time.

We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the stars we could reach
Were just starfish on the beach

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone
All our lives we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
Out of time

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