Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Sunday/2014

 Our Lord is risen!

Easter is the greatest Christian celebration, yet often in takes second place to Christmas. I would venture to guess for a few reason—probably, sadly the most important one being the material aspect of this celebration—that should strictly be about Our Lord`s birth. But—He in a way has been lost in the bustle of the material age.  True too--that there is a tremendous difference regarding the historical Jesus--and Jesus the Christ, Our Lord and Saviour-the spiritual, eternal mystery--the Second Person of the Godhead; the Son. But I shall not get into this aspect, this is for an other time. However—what really matters, and what the true message we should be taking from His birth, is really His death and above all else—His resurrection. The promise of eternal life for us—He is the truth, the way, and the life.

For me it always has been special—for some reason the importance  of Easter held the secret of existence for me—even as a child. I often used to say--“ I love Jesus, He is the centre of my life", this was not not because I was forced to go to church, or out of fear for existing forever in hell for all of eternity, but because I wanted to.  I truly  loved Him, as I do now.  

Thus—today for some reason it even had more of a profound spiritual affect on me—I was filled perhaps with the light of God, His grace and I felt humbled to have been in His presence in this most beautiful little Church of St Paschal. The sacredness was overwhelming and intoxicating to a level of almost ecstasy for me--though I am no saint. The Holy Spirit was truly present today.We haven`t been in this church in years—and yes there is a beautiful carved wooden statue of St. Anthony with baby Jesus in his arms; which at this point in my life has a new significance.This to me in a way was like a declaration , a message, a strengthening of my faith--a sort of sign that yes, God exist especially if we watch and listen for the signs. This statue was a sign--as was the shooting star last Easter Sunday-2013. Yes-as from Handle`s  "Messiah"; Emmanuel-God with us....(is always) we are just too blind, egocentric to see. Fail to realize God`s love for us, God`s mercy, God`s goodness--especially that God is within us and we are within God. 

Since he—St. Anthony formally entered my life—my life  keeps changing by the day in the most amazing ways. The term that most aptly would describe it is; "mystical"—I shall soon write  a whole list  of things that appeared, materialized and came forth from the ethers as if by command, as if by supernatural forces--which well is exactly the way of describing it! —which is astounding as to how everything is happening. And NO—I never ask for anything of him—neither do I of Our Lady. But this time –please if it is at all possible make things right within our family—if it is Your will.  But no matter what –I shall accept it in gratefulness- for I place all my trust in You. Nothing is ever lost, it just may come back to us in a different form.

I am simply in awe—I am grateful to be allowed this life that I have, this life that I live, this life that is so precious , this gift that I was bestowed , which I have to use well and in service to "love" , agape. That is the mission. Each day my first words as always, as always shall be in glorifying Her in gratefulness.  

This Easter has been truly--”Divine”—not as an adjective, but a verb—manifestation of the Immortal One, the Mighty One. Blessed be-Deo Gratias!

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