Tuesday 4 March 2014

Be present, show up

All makes a difference. Being present, showing up to all events in one`s life.

Sometimes things eclipse, or dim our clear light and only later do we realize how important the events were.  We are busy, stressed worried, anxious about the future, missing the present totally—obsessing over inconsequential material stuff or events. Or at time totally immersed in the past—thus never being fully present or engaged in the “now”. There is horizontal time, (temporal time) and vertical time, (eternal time)—these at certain moments in our lives intersect. It is then we realize the signifiquence of every action that has serious consequences on our life—if we are vigilant, are present and actually show up. All events have a purpose and often we seem to sleep through the events—so we miss the “learning points”.

At the very point of intersection is the spot where we can step back and see events unfolding almost as if we were totally detached—like a movie, at that moment it all make clear absolute sense—we see all crystal clear the reasons of the happenstance.  In those moments we accept, embrace the situation with full awareness—and suddenly our lives seem to have purpose and interpretation for all the motivations and the so seeming incomprehensible actions of fate. In that moment we seem to see life from both ends—and recognize the eternal truth that, “everything in fact falls into the great cosmic unfolding”. There are no wrong roads, no senseless experiences, no coincidences—only synchronicity.

Once we realize this—life becomes easier as we realize that in the end it is all for the “positive expansion of the soul”.  This way all our life events have purpose—which we realize that in that moment of occurrence we may not comprehend, but willingly accept and bare the load. Picking up our cross in a way—without much complaint.

Personally I believe that unless we come to the realization of this—consciously, then those events have much less of an impact than when we recognize their importance, or being in a sense of an “awakened” state. If and when we live in the unconscious present oblivious of all divine actions all of life`s actions seems purposeless. Often life events occur and we rebel against it—kicking and screaming how very unfair life is, but looking at the events more objectively we see the lessons that the said event brought forth—are all within the “divine eternal now”.

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