Sunday 9 March 2014

6 month inventory!

My time is running out

Time to get moving so says the clock--need to leave some serious footprints behind.Need serious life changes with the help God, my Blessed Mother, LeLaHel, Xerxes , St Francis, St Jude, St Anthony,Blessed KW, St Jude, St Francis, JC/TM--Thank you.

Start  August/2013---marked with asterisks things that are done.This is going to be very tough and demanding.

Some days are more inspired than others.Today is such a day. Not because it is the "Feast of the Transfiguration", but for some reason I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I know, I know--I am no great saint at all. But I am still filled to the brim--yes, glowing, transfigured and radiating all possible light and love. Yeah--and damn cute as well.Today I like myself--some days not.

This is not being that really --but it is being filled with life. Thus I decided not to do much--though I did have much on the agenda, though I wasn`t going to see any patients today anyway--but this is now "my day"--of appreciating "all, myself and you darling of course. Bare --"assed" at times--but really "arsed" is the term I was searching for--appreciated in any which way.

Much of this morning was spent in quite contemplation, reading and prayers. Feels good. At times I feel so far from God, and at times like now, I am within His heart. I am grateful for all, I seem to see things in a more clear light when I am like this-- . Plus, I don`t care about much-except to see and value all that there is , appreciate all of creation that is the only thing that matters only really. People, animals and all my plants--all plants, flowers and even the weeds-- that I love.

I am almost a vegetarian, Thanks God.--I don`t eat much meat at all--lacto-ovo though. Meat generally only once a week-not even, mostly chicken or fish Some weeks not at all. So --today I have decided to change a few things in my life-True, often I do this and keep to it, commit to it briefly, then I forget. Maybe now, if I write down a few things I will be able to keep to it--with the grace of God.

1.  Meat or fish only once a week/or none--this is carved in stone-though Jesus ate fish. Meat?
2.  Do one good deed for someone or something daily- unselfishly
3.  Visit "Our Lady" once a week at the chapel with the "exposition"

4.  Try to do 1st Fridays/ hopefully--this is tought.Spirit is strong/flesh weak.

5.  Maybe get an other child in South America maybe Africa this time--Astrid is 16 already/

6.  Call Shirley for a few minutes every week

So here is the laundry list--some I have been doing a while. This is mostly for my eternal life--not the physical, but it is all sort of intertwined.  Let`s say --resolutions. I don`t want to call it that, but that what it is--for I have never stuck to a resolution for long. But Og Mandino--in "The greatest Salesman"says one has to practise it for 14 days--morning, noon, night and once before bed--whatever it is and it will become a habit. So I shall try--Well already I am sabotaging myself--"I will do it"!

For the next 3 month--baby steps, baby steps--only need help in keeping to the commitment.

1.   Post on the M site daily--I have been doing that for months now--no problem
2.   Rosary--Caplets of Divine Mercy-doing that for a long time-easy as pie
3.   Maha - mantra--added a while back-great
4.   Tack on "Maranatha " onto the "divine mercy chaplets "--just to keep all bases covered,just in case
5.   Read "Laws of success"--finally finish it after 20 years

6.   Read again the "The cloud of unknowing","Seven storey mountain"--finish "No man is an Island"

7.   Finish the "Gita" as well as "Pagan Christ"--I stopped a while back

8.   Start the "Consecration"--well hopefully--and the hourly angels, only Laud gets her time
9.   Check out a few things on" Sacred text archives"-Tantra,Shakti/Shakta/Hindu deities

10. A little divination--is in order/as well as a little"this and that" now and then

11. Get re-acquainted  with my angel -LeLaHel --sadly  he/she is rather neglected

13. Visit "Plato`s Cave"/"Origen"/"Descaretes"/"Kung"-now and then these months

14.  Meditation/60 minutes--no yoga for me just yet-getting there,meditation is!

15. Converse a little more with Xerxes--he too is somewhat neglected

16. Light a candle everyday on gratefulness-I have been doing that for a good while/can`t in the house because of Felix`s allergies/ neither can I do incense/ nor the Tibetan "thingy" I got for Christmas from Oliver. The high pitch sound it creates drives all 3 kitties livid.
17.  Do the translation for Gyuri once week--God I feel guilty

18.  Read some  U post/and answer-poor guys they are seriously neglected
19.  Listen to "Teremtes csatornaja"-every Thursday`s lectures

20.  Exopolitics- Kip News--look now and then
21.  Read some M/JC daily, even if it is a quote

22. Write, write, write

This is it for the next 3 months--unless some tragedy unfolds--heaven forbid.

After 3 months I shall take inventory--and see what I have done. I shall be proud or totally destroyed.
Update: March 2014/ doing awesome, better than expected and then some--more than 6 months -WOW.--But I knew I could.

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