Actually I had this up--the post below a while back, I then moved it to my other blog site--a few weeks ago, but suddenly you, "my"spiritual teacher turning up, all is now is bathed in a different light. It needs to be here. What a difference the "Word of God" makes. But then-He is continually speaking to us in mysterious ways, we just are adamant not to hear because of the the din of the "dark one".
I thank God in guiding me to you JC-a truly holy man as well as being human you are indeed. Even in your silence your voice is being heard by thousands; your teachings are truly divinely inspired. I feel it is like that day when the wind closed the "book of gospels" on the coffin of John Paul ll--a return once more; or perhaps just deeper reminder of the sanctifying grace of God. Yes-one is literally reborn every seven years.
All glory to You O Lord and Our Blessed Mother!
All glory to You O Lord and Our Blessed Mother!
Perhaps this is what one may term—closure. I never thought that the word was adequate to describe feeling intertwined generally with tremendous passion of the heart. I often thought that passion was an other word for—grace—which in term translates into—gift of God in my dictionary. I mentioned a while back—to everything there is a season—well I certainly didn`t say it, the Book of Ecclesiastes does, but in a way it is all perfect. Every action, thought word acted from positive intention—is infact love, which is a step forward to God. So love is never wasted in whatever form.
I have done much soul
searching especially the past few days—a lot of mediation as peace washes over
me like those waves and music. I see clearly all, and feel the power, the love
and the answer to that has happened—life has unfolded and now much is revealed
. The way pointing in the direction to where I have to travel from here on—the
voice within that was barely audible is now like choir of angels assuring me
that all is well and the way it needs to be. I accept with a heart filled with
the raven is always right. Never a glance back, never a word read from
you or never a thought from me about you; thus is my parting gift to
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