Sunday 1 December 2013

Yates #71

Today I was reminded of a quote that I heard a while back by Yates-

"Things reveal themselves in their passing away"

Everything we experience is for a purpose, at times hidden, but by their passing all is understood. We are --as all is : every breath, every blade of grass, every drop of ocean, everything ever created --all is part of all of creation, which is sacred. Sadly we desecrate them so often without thinking, without reason for purely selfish purposes. We lose sight of what is important in pursuit of nothing of value, we discard all that what is valuable to the soul, that nourishes our spirit for mere human pleasure which all passes. We are all connected-all is as important as the other.

I suppose I, as all need some awakening often to shake us back into our real purpose-and let worldly things go once they have served their usefulness and are of no more value. Only then we can sincerely look most deeply, and clearly at what is the sole purpose of our existence is-we lose sight so fast, or blinded by our humanity, yet we have a divine nature which often we sell for 30 pieces of silver. The lesson is often real hard to learn when human desires whisper to our heart. But-all passes and all is left what we have accumulated from all of our experiences.

Painful as it might be, I am blessed that the Lord and Our Lady seems to arrange these lessons for me for it makes me realize how important all that which nourishes the soul--all else are merely the actual tools to learn these lessons-all and even the least smallest event in our lives. We are all this tiny moment within the heart of creation, within the heart of our Creator--He knows all, and is all-guides all.

Things do reveal themselves in their passing away!--for then we realize that nothing ever  really passes away, for all is the divine present moment. This is awakening.

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