Monday 12 August 2013

What does it profit? #60

 Life! Well thinking about it amazes me, seeing it amazes me and being within it amazes me even more.

No, I didn`t finish the entries regarding my "fur loves"--especially my cicas`s. So that is where we stand tonight--but some other thoughts were aroused in my mind--namely a show I saw tonight on life. Delving into its secrets, its understanding and interpretation--in truth , we really know nothing.

But--having said that--and seeing the evidence to date I have come to the conclusion that :
No matter how we try and fathom out God, we cannot. It is like having all the pieces of a huge mega puzzle  but not knowing what the picture is at all--neither having the ability to put it together, nor the knowledge of what it could actually be. We are mere ants in an ant hill, where  out there are rocket ships to all parts of the universe. So who are we?

Yes--I acknowledge that we get further and further to the source daily, however--never shall we get to the heart of the matter--for that is impenetrable. Like God is encased in a steel vault--that is forever out of reach. Many think differently, but the truth is --we, man-- dream, but it becomes a nightmare of non-understanding for God is beyond our comprehension. It is  only man`s thought of knowing God that is the "fall"--for we cannot nor ever shall we know God--for thinking that is that is the great "sin'"if there is such a thing. That is the actual  "apple".

So be you or I the greatest of thinkers, of philosophers, of scientists,  --we shall never know the truth nor the answer --for there is none to be had. The secret is that there is no secret--for it is incomprehensible, unfathomable and "all" yet it is "nothing". Everything yet nothing is life--that is the paradox, the answer to the  riddle. No use trying to understand--for there are no questions neither are there answers to be had. It is the "cloud of knowing" as that monk so many hundreds of years ago realized.  It is the "unknowing". Now--he was really up to date.

We the dreamer of dreams--cannot imagine the reality of the dream. Only can dream only the nightmare, for within us we have the inevitable , the indescribable and enigmatic --which is the human soul. Created, fashioned and directed by our creator --the "alpha and omega", the "All"--beyond that we shall never venture-or be able to venture. Thus--we cannot and shall not venture beyond that--neither hear, see or feel it, for we are far below that.

We may imagine however what is --that which mere illusion for the spirit-- we create a mirage, a drug  for  our restless soul to settle down, settle in  into its existence of this "non-understanding". Why?--I would tend to think it is because God is only dreaming--we are mere wisps of His illusion. Do we have actual substance--I don`t think so--perhaps if God will  be enamored with the dream that contains us--then maybe. Perhaps then we shall exist  within Him--be part of Him, incorporated within Him.  Maybe--but only then.

Sure, we have come  a long way from Hippocrates, Galen, Harvey, Crick and all the ones in between-yet we know as much as in the age of the dinosaurs. Nothing more--only we now  have TV, cell phones, computers and can talk on Skype-do all sorts of transplants, understand DNA-know the sequence of the human genome, yet we know nothing of spirit or of soul. Actually--at the time of Plato probably more was known of soul than now.  So have we progressed or regressed? Regressed in the  soul department  and progressed science department.

Now--what does this profit a man?

The truth of the matter is --you have it all wrong, you had it right the first time. You see once one starts to unravel it one gets entangled in the spider`s web. No--answer is not in the experience of life, but in the experience of God. once we get into the life thingy--we forget the God thingy. Now, that is the mortal sin-that is when we bite into that "apple".  There has to be a balance that is the key--we cannot keep the balance either way--it is this way or that. Same with you and I--we are cursed with imbalance. The saints are the one who have "balance". That is being holy. That is living a sanctified life. A blessed existence.  

Darling--we do not have that -we are far too self absorbed all the time--you as well as I as well as 6.999999999999999................billion of humanity. Minus the.000000000000000000001 whom are the so called saints, and I don`t mean in a Christian sense either. One being Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed and a few other unknown figures that were so close to God so as to be merged within him--totally one with Him. Here pronoun  "him" is just a term of grammar!

I am no theologian in any term, however I do know that no one knows anything except what is written in the soul of each of God`s creation.  No one is more blessed--we all are. The secret however we are not ever to understand, or to be revealed. Why would we? How could an ant understand a mission to an other galaxy? We are mere ants--in fact less than an ant--a mere thought of God dreaming.

We are stuff that dreams are made of--Shakespeare was more of a prophet and a seer than Nostradamus . Yes--dreams of God.

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