Friday 1 February 2013

Last entry #3


Today I have made my last entry  here, into"Dragonsoul" for you--I shall no
longer write here--as I told you last year before I started it, that
I was doing it as a gift for you--it is now finished. I shall not use
this blog spot for anything else. It is now all yours--if ever you
want the pass word, that too can be had. I have taken on my real name
I was given--yours is there amongst the words if you search and desire
it--use it well, --with honor, courage and love. Thus, I too shall be
doing that  from now on. As for Naomi, she will retire from Frontiers,
for I do not want to think that I am lurking. I am under no other
name, though you were under the impression that I was. I removed
myself a long time ago. Check into "Fektiovercome"--the odd time,
there maybe messages there for you, if not --well only you will know.

The new blog will include my days as Naomi, for it is part of my story
of "enlightenment". I am sorry if I offended you, or hurt you or
embarrassed you, that was not my intention.  Neither feel bad for all
that transpired between Naomi and yourself. You were being honest for
a moment, so you think--infatuated with the idea of love. Let this be
a lesson to you that you do not open your heart and soul after knowing
a person for a but a minute--you could be devastated and hurt beyond
measure. People take advantage, it is a cruel world out there in
cyberspace as well as the real world.

I am not offended, neither am I cynical about the happenings, neither
am I making fun of you in any way for being so very gullible. You are
the romantic one, not really I. However,  I am greatly disappointed in
your thoughts romantic as they were, the betrayal above all else
really hurt excruciatingly for a moment--I thought I would die for I
expected far more from you and your commitment to spirit. But it too
passed.  I always held you above all, regarding character, commitment
to spirit and nobility of soul. You were my ,"Indigo Knight" always.
Now I see, I was a mere shadow on the pages that you held so dear, I
was simply a fleeting thought. And you simply were yourself chasing

Be happy my heart I am always near if you need me--all you  ever need
to do is call me and I shall know.

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