Thursday 5 April 2012

My 3 Angels of Light+1

My three Angels of light !
                                                             Rosebud, Buttercup, Sweetpea....
and  my darling Honey Bunny!

The days fly away as though they don`t exist. Strange feeling. I haven`t been here for a number of days. These days are spent in being aware, being present as much as possible it is not easy, but it takes discipline. As I progress through these times, I seem to be able to connect more to my over soul. I dream, but don`t remember too much. Sleep eludes me, but as Rumi said; The dawn has secrets to tell do not go back to sleep. Though I do feel guilty as Our Blessed Mother has been neglected, though not really for in reality I am more aware of God, under just an other name.  But She is a constant in my life, and all flows from Her. She is all, my everything and through Her I am able to do and bring my mission into focus and to terms.

I have been busy with much, the work of Our Lady, in many words and the effort is very real on my part to spread her message,  Her word and Her glory, Her holiness and He blessedness--all the gratitude and graces She has been ever so gracious to shower on us, Her children.

Much has happened, within more so than without. I feel I am aware of so much more, see so much more and the way forward seems to be clear. It is good for me to reflect and write about it--as most of the most on the other site comes from my higher self, here  am very conscious and know what I am writing and have my own thought in the written word.

I hope my Cicu hears Her voice, reads my words, they are to him from Our Lady. I feel for some reason that at this time he is in the grip of darkness, and light seems beyond capture, yet his love for Her is overwhelming, and yet he seems to be so lost. I wish I could help him, I wish I could be physically present in his life to sooth his aching spirit. Why is this happening to us? Our Lady says She knows and it is Her plan--I trust Her and put into her holy hands. I offer it all up to Her and She is the only one that knows.

It is so beautiful looking though the window with this enormous spectacular pine reaching for the sky-- the little dying one is still standing forlorn in the distance, maybe it makes a difference that it knows that I am thinking of it and sending my love. It lived a beautiful life, this is a gorgeous area, he must have been very happy here.

Tomorrow is Good Friday--the day our Lord died-- sad day, but the most glorious on Sunday, the Resurrection.

The day before yesterday, Tuesday was a wonderful blessed day. Thank you my Blessed Mother all due to you. L is fine--my darling Honey Bunny, I miss her often so very much. I think of the days on Dundas Street; the talks, the lunches, the laughs especially the day we had the Kentucky fried chicken--and the thoughts I had at the time that I should `be aware of the moment`, thus I have. She seems to be fine for now, I was so worried. I still owe you My Mother a few rosaries I am behind in--how awful when a child gets sick--imagine how You felt when Our Lord died.--the pain must have been unimaginable.

 Thank You for all You are doing for us--for L deserves so much from life with her pure heart, G is a blessing and all the three girls.

 J, my sweet Jules--sweet angel, sweet and soul mate of A. probably with the soul of Nagymami--she is ever so special. Gentle and lovely. I hope someone will one day love her well, and appreciate her.

 K, my darling, sweet Butttercup--I wish I could help her. I know the Blessed Mother will arrange Her life. Sweet angel, she who is gentleness personified, I hope and pray her life will be fine--and her future. She deserve so much to be loved.

 Then there is Sweetpea, my darling A--of whom I  am so very proud, she is a shining star to her sisters, I hope they will follow in her footsteps. I know she is focused, determined and set on what she wants to achieve--well we shall see what happens this year. I am still unsure about the events that will transpire--that too I offer and put into the hands of Our Blessed Mother, it is whatever Her will is, thus it will be.

S got her Easter princess pink sequined dress and sparkly princess shoes, she was so happy. O even more so--he was beaming and the happiness was like light streaming from him. We are all so very blessed.

Missing and missed is D, O and A..and T.--How sad to see what is happening, the clock shall and can never be reset. There will be so many regrets, tears in the silence to solitude from all of us within us--none of us will be spared due to our stubbornness. We are all equally to blame. T wrote a card the other day-- I answered. She is back on her birthday 22 April and having an engagement part--we are all invited. Who knows what will happen, the future will tell--Very sad how things are transpiring none of us live forever. And then it will be too late.

Well, today was just a personal letter  to speak--but meaningful and documented.Tomorrow I hope to spend most of the day in contemplation and prayers, and writing. No Stations of the Cross, should--however the Lord knows my intention. Knows my heart.

This is the day it has been--I feel a bit more in the world as of lately, but that changes from day to day. Who knows tomorrow, all I know is that I shall light the candles to Our Lord God and our Lady and give thanks for all--for all the blessings my family and for Cicu  loving me, and for allowing me to love him.

Today is a happy day--Deo Gratias.

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