Sunday 25 March 2012

Q totems

Symbol for ferocity, valor, time to put to use psychic, mental, physical, spiritual muscles. Strong hearing of other realms, may become sensitive to touch, past suffering will return to transform and so you can confront it, teaches understanding of transformation and agility in reclaiming one's power and prowess. Are you listening carefully of the world within and around you? Panther teaches the nuance of hearing your heart and intuitions.

Starfish/Sea Stars:
Teaches how to maneuver successfully in any situation. This creature is very agile and extremely strong. Starfish has amazing regenerative properties with an indication of coming back stronger and more abundant. If Starfish comes to you something in your life may take a year to regenerate, but when it does, it will be better and more abundant. Starfish shows how emotions can help propel you forward by tenacity and determination with slow and steady movements. It is a time to keep intuitions sharp and your outer "shell" hard. The wisdom of Starfish aids in strengthen your resolve by the wisdom of emotions and your own inner fortitude and strength.

Seagulls are spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication with guides is taking place. He shows how to see above situations with a higher clarity and teaches that there are many perspectives to consider. Seagull shows a sense friendship and community and the cooperation that is needed for the whole to operate successfully. He teaches how to ride the currents of the mental, emotional and physical worlds. Are you going with the flow or fighting it? Are you cooperating with others? Are you open to your guides? Seagull can teach you many lessons of looking, living and being. It is time to listen and watch for the nuances and timing of action.

Conch represents right speech and intentions to uphold truths and beliefs. This large mollusk teaches the awakening of the heart and to love along with sacred ceremonial religious practices. Its internal flame gives structure for enhancing power, authority and a special sovereignty for effective spiritual evolution. He offers opportunities for gatherings and meetings which may coincide with spiritually aiding others. Beginning something new has great potentials. Have persistence, focus, determination and strength. He teaches security, being anchored and securely attached to a thought, idea, concept or project. Are you playing your choices in an artful fashion? He will show how to play your true song and find your inner pearl. Crystal meditations with help connect with Conch medicine as its wisdom will enlighten your sacred pathway. [Ima

This creature teaches balance and proportionality in all things. He demonstrates blending into surroundings, with people and in situations. He is about reaching out and listening to others with compassion. Nautilus can show how to use logic and wisdom along side empathy and higher insights. He can teach pressure resistance and endurance when under pressure. Nautilus medicine helps one swim emotionally through life and provides buoyancy. His lessons develop over a span 8-12 months. It is a time to remember your innermost wisdom and guidelines. He speaks of remembering you ancient knowledge and wisdom.

Major transformations and transmutations taking place, outcome is different than expected. Symbol of joy, color, gentleness, lightness, and change in life. Awakens us to dance on the winds of life, teaches that growth doesn't have to be painful, allows us to discover the important issues in life for conscious transformation. Can you discern what is important right now? Don't sweat the small stuff, be joyful and thankful for your blessings.

Beetles aid in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth - rebirth of the soul to a new spiritual ideal and renewed devotion. This animal teaches harmony in the coming changes by utilizing your intuitive abilities and teaches discernment where you need it the most. Beetles have a protective quality that will aid in the ability to socialize and communicate effectively by illuminating problems and situations in the correct perspective. Are you eating correctly? Now is the time to examine eating habits. Can you identify which stage of development are you in egg/larva/pupa/adult?. Is it time to fly or walk in life? Beetle will teach persistence with charm, trust in the process, proper movement and actions which allows the regeneration of   1your spirit to prosper.

Subtle lessons in behavior and communication, teaches to read people more effectively. Seagulls are spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication with guides is taking place. He shows how to see above situations with a higher clarity and teaches that there are many perspectives to consider. Seagull shows a sense friendship and community and the cooperation that is needed for the whole to operate successfully. He teaches how to ride the currents of the mental, emotional and physical worlds. Are you going with the flow or fighting it? Are you cooperating with others? Are you open to your guides? Seagull can teach you many lessons of looking, living and being. It is time to listen and watch for the nuances and timing of action.

Ecstatic, love, happiness, beat of life, miracle of joy of living, shows endurance so you don't burn yourself out, teaches ability to heal, enhances awareness with an ability to move and act accordingly. Hummingbird shows how to accomplish what seems impossible and how to bring the miracle of joy back into your life. Do you need to bring more color and vivaciousness into your life? Are you extracting the joy throughout your day? Hummingbird reminds us to find that happiness in all things.

Ibis teaches sociability, communication and working cooperatively in a group. Being around others and their diversity of new ideas and thoughts that bring about new opportunities. Be open to the process even if means wandering from current ideals. Time to expand and explore. She will teach how to probe for more spiritual and emotional nourishment and to do this with confidence. Ibis will show building of solid foundations in existing personal or professional relationships in order to reach new levels. She will show how to find the knowledge that is needed. If Ibis has a red bill and feet, her message may include one maturity and vitality. Pay attention to her color. The time period for Ibis' lessons starts from about 20 days for new endeavors, ideas, lessons. The following 3-6 weeks will see new developments really take flight. Ibis medicine teaches patience. She will show how to transition in steps as each week progresses so be ready because she heralds a new richness and fertility coming your way. The archetypal power of Ibis conveys sacrificial and protective elements in life's storms either in personal areas or towards others. Trust your intuition as she demonstrates the importance of (It's all about..) timing.

Awakening of mind and spirit, can show how to make things manifest from our dreams and ideas. Listen, look and pay attention to subtle nuances that are coming into your life. Loons provide the knowledge of solidifying the imagination and making one aware of the power of dreams. Aids in discerning fact from fiction, reality from illusion. Are stuck in a dream world of what you want rather than what is true and real? Loon gives guidance by awareness of the unconscious process of creating and imagining. Pay attention.

Jaguar enhances spiritual and psychic vision with a keen sense of awareness, pinpointing strong intuitional abilities. Jaguar shows how to embrace the gifts of the Spirit with composure, tenacity, fortitude with a complete integration of lessons learned and applying them in daily life. Are you integrating ideas and thoughts like you should? Jaguar will aid in this transition of self-actualization. He shows how to move silently, stealthily knowing when and how to react, shows empowerment, teaches how to maneuver and understand things unseen. He cuts through the illusion of separation and shows how the hurtful lessons of the past can be transformed into a higher clarity of purpose with a higher sense of self and connectedness. Jaguar's wisdom will show clarity in the chaos in the soul process of integration and shifting perspectives with balance and grace.

Coral shows creation of a solid foundation in which to build upon. It provides knowledge when and where to start and it supports your endeavors with opportunities. It is about timing and patience. It shows a universal trust in being where you are supposed to. It asks you to plant the seeds in order create your world with perfect timing. The power of dreaming and creativity builds inner and outer beauty. It will show how the awareness of your own rhythm cultivates fertile ground for this new phase in life. Coral will help in being a stable platform for others by providing spiritual and emotional support. Coral medicine asks for trust in yourself and your path by slowing down and allowing the universal operations to happen naturally.

Ladybug: Wish Fulfilled. The appearance of a Ladybug heralds a time of luck and protection in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled. Their presence signals a time of shielding from our own aggravations and pests. Fall and Spring are the most abundance times for a person with a Ladybug totem. Higher goals and new heights are possible with a Ladybug totem. Worries begin to dissipate. New happiness comes about. Ladybug also cautions not to try to hard or go to fast to fulfill our dreams. Let things flow at their natural pace. In the due course of time, our wishes will all come true.

Ant: The ant is a very hard worker and conscientious in every detail of its work.  They live in huge communities where most tasks are delegated to  individuals who form work groups to carry out various activities of hunting, gathering, nesting and nursery, habitat construction, and protection.  The ant accepts its position within its community without question and is totally dedicated and loyal throughout its lifetime to the entire community

Capitals are major/lower case/minor

A true Spirit Guide is divine and sacred.  It's power, wisdom and actions stem solely from the Holy Spirit of God.  

 American Indians view all things in creation as having spiritual energy.   All things are connected and worthy of our respect and reverence.  Our way is to seek balance and harmony within the complex tapestry of life called the Great Circle of Life.   As we move within the circle, we emphasize these truths:

        Everything on earth is alive;
        Everything on earth has purpose;
        Everything on earth is connected;
        Everything on earth is to be embraced.

A principal tenant of our belief is that all things are connected and we are related to all things in the circle. 

All things on Earth Mother and all things in the Universe are capable of being Spirit Guides.  Why?  Because the Spirit of the Creator is in all things.

Each thing on Earth Mother and each thing in the Universe has its own particular appearance, traits and other distinguishing qualities.  In a general way, we can draw certain lessons from these traits and qualities for each object or thing in the universe.   

 In her book, "The Magical Lore of Animals", Yvonne Aburrow says, " is important not to anthropomorphize animals [ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human].  They are sentient beings, but they have a different consciousness from our own. When dealing with animals, therefore, one should never assume that they are exactly the same as a human; nor, conversely, treat them like an inanimate thing..."  Thus, some messages from an animal spirit guides may be confusing, if not impossible to understand without considerable practice and patience.

An important thing to remember:  A spirit guide is not necessarily an animal.  A spirit guide can be anything in Creation that speaks to a person through dreams, physical appearance, magnetic resonance (vibration); or by signs, symbols, words, or any other method or means of communication.  A spirit guide can be clouds in the sky or the wind; it could be a horse or a caterpillar; it could be an ancestor or other human form; it could be anything that speaks to you -- to the heart and soul.   It is more comfortable for many people to call a spirit guide an angel. 

A spirit guide is a divine entity.  To believe this is to acknowledge and accept the power and glory of the Creator of All Things that may take on any form, at any time, for any purpose.

  You do not choose a Spirit Guide as your personal spirit guide.  The Spirit chooses you and they decide to whom they will reveal themselves and make their friend.


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