Saturday 3 March 2012

Ascension symptoms?

What is consciousness really anyway?  Being very present? Most of the time life seems to be lived in an unconscious state. Never used to be like this. Is it the times? Is it awakening? Is it ascension? These days regarding the future we seem to be groping in the dark. Never was like this. My grandparents never questioned life like we do these days. Neither did they question the fleeting passage of time. Not even death. It was an accepted conclusion of  life. The inevitable, the ways things are in the world. There was a sense of resignation, a finality at the end of which lay a blissful heaven, or the burning fires of hell.  It all depended on how life was lived, thus were the rewards dispensed accordingly. They were happy to be doing what they loved and lived life fully with more harmony and reverence than most of us these days.

These days many will say: well it is because we are getting older, time flies. My grandmother was 94 when she died, the other 87, neither of them ever mentioned time, or getting older. Nor did they question life. They were  happy and contented with their lot though they had faced many hardships and pain through the years. Wars, loss, health issues and tremendous hardships.They were always still grateful and looked back with love even on the most difficult of days.They what I would call ; happy souls with the grace of God in their heart.Was that the secret? Faith and love experienced sincerely? Well, of all the virtues the most important  is love. Perhaps that is what we lack these days. The material has killed the spirit of love in most of us. Is it love that we are searching for feverishly? Needing? Wanting? Craving? Capture the spirit of love once more.

At times , especially these days I also forever seem to be searching for things.  Physical things,also I forget things and totally disinterested in things I used to love. My mind is in a different sphere, a different place or realm. For some reason all seems foreign to me; my surroundings, my life, even my own behavior. I just want to be alone in my own space, totally alone all else seems to aggravate me, and disinterest me.

I seem foreign to me, to my very self. How can this be?  All so unreal. Even time seems weird, strange, like Alice in Wonderland. Has it ever happened to you that you look at your own hands and ask; To whom do these hands belong?  This body? These eyes? I look in the mirror and look and stare in dismay at the person staring back. Who the hell is that creature? The sensation is uncanny and often rather frightening. Utterly scary.

The Lightworkers will call these ascension symptoms, but can anyone actually prove it. Sounds very spiritual and mystical, however we are all still in 3D, well so I am presuming. Then again nobody can concretely say what 4D 5D or 6D will actually be like or is like. We are all collectively seem to be hoping to be in a better place, be in a more understanding frame of mind, a more peaceful happy environment. Is it why Avatar was so popular? All wanting to escape there, to a land akin to Nirvanan, to Moksha, to Paradise, literally to  Heaven. 

I seem to recall  reading from some wise philosopher of life, or maybe a theoretical physicist that it is those times when we are not totally conscious, or just doing things almost unconsciously are the times when we live in our other existence, a parallel  universe. Perhaps in an other universe. This theory sounds a little more acceptable to me, maybe there is just a bit more rationality to it.We are all just searching for that New Earth that Eckhart Tolle wrote about.

The concept seems to have an irresistible pull for our entire being and psyche. Even the very thought is tantalizing. I find it strange as we live in such a wondrous world filled with beauty. Everything is perfectly created in a magical manner, with  magnificent  precision. Yet, we yearn for something else. Maybe that something  is to be totally within the heart of God. To be one with God once more, in our natural true state...sweetheart you once said when you had the NDE it was ;` like being  a very cell of God `.

Perhaps  it is a form of awakening of the the Third Eye, or rather the pineal gland that David Wilcock is talking about. Maybe that is the precipice over which we are teetering from which if and when we fall , we fall into the arms of God, and become once more `that very cell of God whence from whom we have emerged ` and be one with that Supreme Divine Consciousness once more. Return to our true nature and home which is the very heart of our Creator, our God.

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