For each of us, those who prefer to see it is very obvious we are in need of greater understanding as how to proceed in this age of awakening. Most, are aware that the roads we have travelled are coming to an end , and we are in a fork in the road. Much is spoken about the event of Ascension, however this process has been unfolding for over twenty years and we are just at the culmination of all the coming together of events. Whether this is by coincidence, however I think it is by divine design, and we have a choice to make.
A new direction to achieve
our entering into a new world, this does not mean that this world will
vanish or be annihilated. It is a state of awareness, of consciousness
of peace that the human spirit has been deeply desiring.
It is our raw natural state, a state that is like a child, growing and
expanding--and now it is an adult. Time to put away those toys of
In the past and present,
religion has been the sole keeper of spiritual truths, but many
boundaries were set up and thus many truths were either hidden or
misinterpreted by the human ego for various reasons. Again, this too may
have been through design, and the process was necessary. All has a lot
to do with temporal time and development as all children need to go
through various steps in development, thus with the human spirit.
is now time to move beyond the limited perceptions,
superficial agendas,
controlling measures, and
illusions, --we have grown up. However, the choice is
ours to take. Now is the time to lift the veils,
to see that what lies beyond, and put ego back into
the box--which Pandora opened. There it will dwell and where it shall
be used with control, no more shall it control us. We recognise and lay
claim to our power which is our true inheritance, our gift that we have
forgotten about. This power and brilliance is the connections that we
have to our God , our very source from everything arises--with Who,
through Whom all things are possible. This
is the well spring that we always have been offered, but due to
ignorance, blindness and roadblocks set up by our ego were unable to
access. It has always been there ancient writing all point to its
direction but our comprehension was limited.
is not an easy time because the material aspect especially these days
have a very strong lure, however this does not mean we have to disengage
ourselves from the present world, just live in it with more compassion
and soul. Awakening does not mean we have to be going around in sandal
all day and chanting mantras, neither does it mean we have to give up
all worldly possessions,--your two hundred pair of shoes, or your five
cars, your millions in the bank or house in the Bahamas. Neither, does
it mean that it is the end of life as we have known it regarding the
present world--we need to do exactly what we are doing but with more
connectedness. It just means sharing, helping, aiding and realising that
we are individually all responsible for everything, almost as a
collective towards each other--to the best of our ability and a positive
intention. There is no separation, but oneness.
all have life, the exact same life force within each--from the smallest
of life to the greatest, whether it be animal, vegetable or mineral we
all have a place and a mission to fulfil, a reason for being present.
This we have forgotten, now we are starting to remember. This is what
awakening is, not some esoteric philosophy conjured up by a new age
generation of spiritual gurus.
There are
tremendous resources available today for this to work for the uplifting of
man; improve lives, and work towards harmony between all living
things. Becoming
more balanced, more in tune with nature itself which is the true
freedom in every way. Let us choose what is good for us individually,
but for the benefit of all. It is time to clean up those rusty
connections that lead us to our source, and re-connect, re-boot into
that divine energy source, I call God
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