Saturday 31 March 2012

Names of GOD

As I was putting together the final touches to an other blog site, one where I will be posting messages--from higher sources, probably from my own higher consciousness, I don`t really want to say the word God for then it tends to portray certain connotations with reference to channelling. Let me make it perfectly clear, I am not a channel. I don`t think anyone is. However it all does animates from the higher realms, or Universal Mind-God. That is my name for that eternal Source or Universal Consciousness. Call it whatever you will, it is its name.

As I was reading the Gita, it occurred to me that man will be man- we want a certain name for God. In the discussion area, of the site--There was a discourse there whether Krishna, who is narrating the Gita to Arjuna, is the incarnation of  Vishnu or is Krishna the Supreme Godhead from all of whom all originates. I bring this up just as an example for in the world all that is wrong, that is happening is because of all this.

Now my name for this Universal Mind is God.

Who`s God is the real one? Which name is the true name? How many persons are there? Is Mary a goddess?  Yahweh? Allah? Are the Hindu gods the real one? Are the goddesses the real one? How about the minor gods/goddesses? How many gods are three? Is god male or female? How about the ancient gods? The Greek gods? Roman gods? Egyptian gods? Nordic gods? Pagan  gods?--the list is endless, I could go on for a few more pages.

Then which is the true religion?  Is there none? No, no and no. They are all as valid as the next--If we could think on this level, respect all and accept all the names, as we have no concept at all whom this Supreme Consciousness is-- It is all semantics and we haven`t the foggiest clue. And we still fight over it. Now isn`t that ridiculous?

Thus this is my version, my first introduction to my new blog--

 You are a fractal of all that is seen, that is unseen. This Supreme energy force wants to be called- Universal Mind.

The unimaginable, the Unfathomable, the Incomprehensible, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent,  the Awesome, the Ever Expanding, the ever Contracting. All that is form and all that is  formless, Of worlds and universes beyond imagining of the human mind.

I am All that there is. Mother/Father/God/Goddess/Source, the Eternal-- and all and everything in between.
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in my devotional service and worship with all their hearts.
I Am, Universal Mind. 

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