Wednesday 28 March 2012

Heal thyself
 Well speak of the devil. Look what kitty dragged in. Amazing what turns up when the need arises? Appeared like magic from out of my ancient posts. I wasn`t even looking for it--I am shocked! I do need a good dose of reading it a few times- preferably three times a day, and double on Sundays.

 Physician heal thyself!-- Vis medicatrix naturae.


Mental illness, whether depression, or any other is very much on the

rise. Being  a naturopath, I see more and more as the years go by.
According to the naturopathic philosophy, we believe physical disease,
as well as psychological problems  all starts in the mental sphere.
True the world is a more difficult place to navigate, but also a lot
has to do with environmental conditions today, and very little with
the genetic part. Though mental illness is genetically connected, but
one dosn`t have to have it because of the genes. Stress is a major
trigger, so generally the first important part is to deal with that.

We see more and more sensitivities, diseases that were virtually

unheard of a few years ago, this being equally rampant in children.
Nutrition  is atrocious, most people are overweight, yet most are
suffering from malnutrition. The refined carbohydrates cause even more
deficiencies, so becomes a vicious circle. There are all kinds of
deficiencies, adrenals are shot from all the stress, cortisol causing
havoc, in conjunction with insulin. Most people are suffering from
hypoglycaema and all kinds of sub clinical problems that are waiting
to raise their ugly head with time. We have more chronic problems than
ever, with just palliative treatment, no chronic problem is ever
cured and it goes on and on.

Here we do have to remember that all healing comes from within, not

without. The body has enormous recuperative energy is the right
circumstances are given. This is what is called the healing power of
nature. No doctor has ever healed a patient ever. Even Hippocrates
knew this.

Then adding to all this, we do have the Indigo generation, who are

vibrating on a totally different level, and are categorised by the
medical establishment, as mental. They are not, and it becomes a
vicious circle for them as nobody understands. ADD,ADHD kids are all
over the place. Ritalin is the highest consumed drug by kids these days.

So what does one do? Well for one each person has to be totally

responsible for their own health. That is number one. You find a good
holistic doctor, who will not just look at the problem, but the root
of the problem. No use covering it up with Prozac, Zoloft or one of
the other myriads of drugs. Now, once you have had a good general work
up, taken care of all the deficiencies, changed diet, lifestyle,
perhaps, had a good program  worked out according to your individual
needs. Exercise, saunas--whatever is right for your individual needs.
Evaluate stress levels, meditation is generally a must in these cases. you unplug your mind and put it into neutral. So it has time to
regenerate itself. A prescription of some natural antidepressants, or
nervines, or some homeopathics should be explored.

Now if after trying all this, and lets say one is still suffering from

depression, then you could explore the allopathic medications in
smaller dosages. But you have to make sure you know the side effects,
and do certain things to negate the negative effects. Like doing some
liver detoxification, every few months under the supervision of your
naturopath or other holistic practitioner. Doing the distilled water
bit, a few days a month, with some liver cleansers. You should never
say never to drugs either, sometimes is is very necessary. The body is
an orchestra, not just one instrument, so that is how it should be

Each person is different, each case has to be evaluated on a one to

one basis. What works for one, may not for an other. Do research, read
up on it, and ask questions. Don`t just believe blindly what your
doctor says, may not be so.

Above all else be positive, pray a lot, be grateful for a everything

you have, give thanks each day how lucky you are to be alive!  See
everything with open eyes, don`t walk around blind, appreciate all,
see the beauty in all, in Yourself. Forgive yourself, forgive
others. Float the little boat down the river with a message, or even
better burn it. You have a free will, you can chose whatever you want
be, whatever you want to be. Consider being well if but you have
to really want it.

Live in the now. The `how` is in the `now` the past is gone, future

 is yet to come.  All You have is the `now`. Be present in it every
moment! Read positive books, make affirmations. Forget all the
negative, all the pain all the madness. Live one day at a time, if
 you screw up, tomorrow is an other day. Live each moment 
as a prayer.You are truly blessed. You have infinite potential, 
recognise that, accepted that. Exercises that gift. Celebrate 
your life`s every moment.

Be love, be the light, be the life....chose to be aware. Make love to

each moment, bring forth this limitless love that you are from the
depths of your soul. Awaken into this liberation of your spirit,
recognise the glory, beauty of your very being of how special you are,
how divine you the I AM of the great I AM THAT I AM!
We are the embodiment of living light, so shine it!

love, light, peace,

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