Sunday 26 February 2012


I read some articles about the Dalai Lama lately. It is so fascinating
worth knowing about and it made me think that basically all the
religions of the world say the same thing. I thought I`d post this, as
Christians, Jews we don`t know much about Tibetan Buddhism. This is
such a beautiful story. Then maybe when we understand each others
beliefs, religion there may be understanding, love, and peace in the
world. All of humanity is striving for the same thing we aren`t
that different after all.

This is the mythology, or the history of  Avalokiteshvara. Comes from
scripture, sutras, old stories who inhabit the Himalayas.

The Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of a Avalokiteshvara. He has
many aspects, or emanations most important  being the thousand arm
Chenrezig, the most subtle mind.

Avalokiteshvara took a vow ;` If there is one moment that I even think
of myself, one selfish thought, then I should split into a thousand
pieces like the acacia tree`.

This is the message of the Dalai Lama:

In the White Lotus Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni predicted that the Dharma
would move to Tibet, where after many eons it would prevail and would
be preserved. He said that the Buddhas of the past, present, and
future had failed to spread the Dharma wheel, but that the bodhisattva
Avalokiteshvara, with his `unwavering eye`...(a translation of his
name), would succeed.

From Biddha Shakyamuni`s forehead came a beam of light onto a lake
in Shukhavati Land, and from the lake arose a mythical figure.

A white lotus opened, and on the lotus was a moon, and on top came a figure
with four arms- two holding a wish-filling jewel, symbolizing that
whatever you pray for, whatever your desires are, they will be
fulfilled. Of the two extra arms and hands, the right hand hold a
rosary in the shape of a figure eight( eight being the symbol of
eternity) to remind one to say the mantra continuously.


In the left hand he is holding an Uptala flower with two buds,
representing his knowledge of past, present, and future. The open
flower represents the knowledge of the past, which is open and can be
known. The closed bud represents the future, which depends on what you
are doing today. The opening bud represents the present.
All we need is love, and an open mind.

namaste, peace, light

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