Saturday 18 February 2012

Dreams of being special

Is love never having to say you are sorry? I can categorically state that more lives have been destroyed in the name of love, by love than all the wars combined.  Yet we do it, keep doing it.

Today is one of my cynical dragon days . Sort of purging of spirit.You do have those days, don`t you?

Remember `Love story`?
Oh, Oliver darling, that was, ever so soulful of you. Had Jenny lived , I wonder how long the romance would have endured, oh dear, that pesky human spirit. Poor , poor Oliver. How very misguided by the spirit of  love he was, let me add :~the mesmerising spirit of love~

.....well we are talking of Oliver in `Love Story`. Just in case I make you think otherwise :)

 However, we as many, we do all dream of being that special one in history, being different, being that  special one , the anointed one so to speak , by  love eternal its very self. Yes, loving eternally, how very  noble.

Like Scarlett...oops...sorry. She lived, the special one was Melanie, she died the poor thing. Yes, death does become love. All one has to do is go to a funeral and hear those compassionate words: of love: they were all beautiful, salt of the earth people that everybody simply adored and were loved by all`. Meanwhile, for years everybody was wishing for the dear one`s demise. Oh how cruel, how 3D.

Where is all all the love and light? Where is compassion, understanding, forgiveness, above all mercy? We all mess up, it is being human, yet we get punished for our crimes with more unimaginable vengeance than ever when we love. Wage the war of spirit, of soul.

So to be loved one has to die as soon as possible, however  not as some broken down  old person, but some vibrant young thing so as to get respect , adoration and above all love. That very love that we all so crave in life, yes, we actually do all get , in death mind you, but get it non-the-less, finally. Sad what we have to do to get it! Oh no, no..nobody has any sympathy for the living, nothing  for them.

Yes..the  young, beautiful that get all the respect from the living, by dying,  the sooner the better. We all are loved then. Drama is loved, drama is adored, drama is respected and above all is glorified, especially drama of death. Oh how very romantic, and what a real load of crap, however in the real world , in  this 3D place things do not work according to those romantic notions of physics. I  am talking of love eternal here.

No, not at all. Not in this world it just exists in the imagination and in the mind of poets of old, like Tennyson, Shelley, Browning and the Sufi sages of old, like Rumi.  If you are looking for romance just stay between the pages of that romantic novel by your bedside, or better still, just simply die. That will make them listen for sure, earn you respect for sure, make them love you for sure, make your lover that hated you the past lifetime love you for sure. Things are far different in the real word you know than between the pages of romance novels.

Well, I am here to support the fact  and to bear witness to the testament that love forever,  the notion that is of : `ever forgiving, ever giving, ever caring, ever adoring, ever loving, ever anything are just a lot of romantic ideas of a creative heart . Forever does not exist. Not in a  romantic sense anyway, it exists only in a spiritual way. That is why the saints have it right, one can only have that love soul-wise, once it is in the physical realm it is lost forever.Only happens to saints, between God and them, man is locked out so to speak from paradise.Yes, price of our sin for eating that  forbidden apple.

 Now, that will teach us for sure. So we should just all get over it, for when divinity of man is involved it is non-existent when it comes to love. The emotion of love in some weird way seems to extinguish that divine spark, yet it should fan it, for it should be a lifeline to God

How do you say sorry to any one, especially a dragon? Red or Indigo? Well, to anyone really? Well, the sad thing is that the more love is involved in the process, the more pain is created. Forgiveness flies out the window, understanding of the human spirit becomes non-existent. The hurt, the anger and pain overshadows all rational thinking. Passion rises and the fury of the dragon explodes as it breathes fire. Accepting or giving apology shall never happen.

Sure, we can accept an apology from a colleague, friend, but the closer to the heart the less forgiving we become. We nod our head, we pretend and internally there is the no-no shake, mind you only if we love the person, otherwise is  ever so easy to forgive and forget.

We, the professed  lover or the loved , become judge, jury and executioner of our very self, our other soul half in the name of love, or rather in the name of wounded ego and stubborn pride. We thus condemn our other self to a fate worse than death. Our ego centric id, always wins the battle.

Thus, at this point  sadly no `sorry` or any sorts of apology or anything on this blessed earth will ever make an iota of  difference to the other, especially not reflecting  a forgiving heart. Now all is really ever so easy to be forgiven or forgive. How you well may ask? I tell you true,  the only thing you need to do is simply die.That will put a dramatic end to all including pride.

Now , isn`t that the simplest thing to do? You will immediately command respect, forgiveness and love. Yep, nothing else on God`s green earth will do! Now , I ask you how sad is that?

We say awful things, do things, lie, cheat, betray, kill and commit the vilest of crimes  in the name of love...Yet, the one who really loves, or is being loved , no matter what, or  how the apology is served, is never forgiven. Even a murderer gets a reprieve eventually, yet love never does.

It never ever  gets mercy....thus let us be merciful for thus we shall obtain mercy and we shall be blessed and see God!
...and yes,...

 I shall always love you! But you have always know that , haven`t you?

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