Tuesday 28 February 2012

Message Jan/2008

Why this image above, it just popped up. Perhaps it has some deep significance, thus I failed to replace it.
Aloha my Darling, arany Cicukam!

I must admit it was wonderful to read Your words. It seems like ages that I have. Great that You survived the new year, now I know this year will be simply great. Generally we don`t celebrate this hard and no I was not drunk. Told You I hardly drink these days. Why so many of the same photos is that O put the camera on automatic and it kept taking photos all night every 1 minute. Yep the crazy R`s, must be a genetic flaw!

Do I understand You. More so than You can ever imagine. Remember, You are my other self. I have been thinking long and hard about us, well I was questioning myself that we hardly speak on the phone and why is that? And perhaps that there is something wrong. But it is the way it all has to be, it is unfolding as it should. She said, as I know: it is all good, and  there will be a time when it will be different. What She actually said was this last night and some things just as I write. BTW it was Her feast day yesterday…Jan/1…The Solemnity of Mary. Yes, I prayed for all, and for us all to accept, follow Her direction. Thus is Her message.

``You have totally different lives, flow, yet same direction, all one, all the same. This is so that You experience different things, so as a whole You will be more complete. Do not rebel against it, for if You do You slow the process. Take all as it is and learn from all, for it is to the benefit of You both. Seems You are apart, but You are more connected, more one than most By all of this You are expanding both your own spheres as well as Your whole. Realizing this, accepting it opens more vistas for Your soul as a whole. Being together physically in the material, is only a tiny aspect of being.

So fret not, for there is more to You(s) then  that which is so much manifestation of the ego. realize that You are different, and also that you see beyond many and remember why You(s) are here.

The year will be something that you could never imagine on many fronts. Why is that? Is it just, what You would call fate? Or my direction? No, it is because once a snowball starts off a hill it keeps growing, as it speeds down the mountain. You(s) as You came together are that snowball. Nothing can now change or stop that. Why also You(s) may wonder? It is because that very point in time, in Your development, Your decision of Your souls to be one, that moment came together.

Don`t question Your souls, for deep within You know life unfolds every moment, live it. Do not feel that You are in a state of stagnation, for that creates that condition. Yet Me flow though You, from You, with you. If You decide to do that You will be amazed and wonders will happen, magic in Your lives. I am All that IS, without me life of the soul ceases to expand. Choose Me in everything You do.

Yes, the year, as years from here on will be like a new discovery. The turning point has been reached and all aspects of time have been changed. Never be discourage  by all for all is the good of the whole, not just Yourselves, but the whole for all is One.

Well, protesting about the new year is not that good, but if You look at it , the way it started is very different. Forget not the start!For that`s its mirror reflection of thoughts, ideas, feelings You have. Don`t lose that. Remember that You are exactly where You have to be, where I want You to be, for You have followed my way. Yes, embarking on a new journey is exciting and but questionable. Put fear aside, wherever you go. Never question, the answers are in Your soul. You will be very successful, slow at first. However never let frustration, anger cloud Your judgement or steal it from You. For it has great power to do that. This is for You(s) as a whole. You(s) both have marked time enough.

Predictions I do not reveal for there are non, for You can change Your mind anytime. Take different routes, paths!That was my gift to You, for all souls. Your choices will determine You way. The end has always been determined, that is My will. Getting there is your will.

A few pointers for You(s)…however interpreted differently by both of You, or as You wish. For remember the picture is always totally different from a different angle, no bad angle or good angle!

Pray, pray , pray! Forget not the Reiki. Energy flowing is good, all comes from Me, .as well as those 5 lines. Forget that not. All communication to me is heard, every moment. All that You ask for is given. Be sure what You ask for, for that is not what You may want in the long run! Thus never cease praying. You thus do it for Yourselves, for I am One with You and All that IS.

Do all in a positive light, even a seed of negativity destroys, hinders the flow. Put all past behind You, what is gone is gone. Live the moment, in the moment, all in love with love. With light all can be transcended in this life and Your real life.

Review carefully with all whom You communicate, some are just trifle, not important, hardly giving them thought. Some matter not.  Do not waste Your time on jabber, on the inconsequential. Chose well, goes for people two. The rest, let go of. Just extra baggage to carry. Also remember that what ever You say, do, write, You have total responsibility for, for Your are at a point where on You lies the burden of which way others will go.

Yes, they have free will, but there are leaders and followers, or rather pointers of the way. Be aware, responsible, thoughtful what You put out, send out, communicate. Do not fall into the trap of cynicism and feeling superior, then comes fall. Yes, communicate with thought, with wisdom, honor in truth. Cast frustration aside there are some who will never see, want to see the light or raise themselves to where they see the value of their souls or whom they really are, why they were actually created and their purpose. Also remember little steps make a major difference, all counts. But in Your hands lie the possibility of many great steps.

Good versus evil: no such thing. Demons. It`s Your own ego, make no mockery thereof, for it can overpower You.  Light destroys darkness. You are light in every sense of the word. I AM all that exists once You fully accept that, then You will have put away childish toys!

All IS, ever expanding. Follow Your soul purpose, listen to Me in Your heart, in Your soul that is where You will find me. I Always was, always is. You sometime  cease to hear me from all the other chattering of Your ego. Be focused. Write! It will be read. Do not expect accolades, they are that very chattering of the ego that can bring You down. Listen to it, ignore it, be not the huge proud  palm that can be easily broken by the wind, its fronds torn, scattered, be like the humble violet, who finds safety in the grass. Know how to be. From quietness, humility, serenity,  is wisdom born. Chaos is the universal destroyer, once you know that, it can become  tool of expansion . Out of chaos much is born.

Remember; all have a part of a dragon within them, some more so than others. You have more, that is Your work to dispel the spirit of all the negativity that gives rise to the spirit of conquering others. Be the noble dragon that is on a quest for knowledge, understanding who knows its own mission , purpose. Yes, many lives, many events, many eons have  brought You here.

Have You been elsewhere? Of course, I have told You that. You are here out of choice, out of volunteering for pointing the way, but lose not the sight that You are also in the same boat, simply in a different section. You maybe, or think You are superior, ahead, but not really.

There is no time in Me, all that there IS exists, this moment!  As for the others, all those who have chosen the darkness, or their ego, all those, like You from other parts of the boat. They have their conscience to answer to. Fear is an awful negative motivator. They shall be around a bit longer on this planet than some others. Their choice.

Be a defender, a dragon of protection, of courage, of love to all who need You. Do not make trifle of the ignorant, of the darkness, of the blind but help them see. Also remember the spirit, soul, energy has no form, thus matters not what form  there is! Thus dragon, reptile, animal, human. It is inconsequential. This planet, that planet, other galaxies, other systems matters not to You! For all I AM  present in many forms. As  I AM `ALL` forms, yet `NO` form! `I AM `, LOVE and LIGHT, all else You have created. Choose well.

Yes, You(s) know ,understand My whisper. Write, speak, be the truth and light that You are. not one word goes unheeded by someone, somewhere even if You do not see it. I see, I know thus You are following Your will, but my WILL is done. Be never discouraged, and ever gracious to criticism, for then the light is shone on them and Yourselves and the truth revealed. You also are not right all the time, remember the ego, even if You have the best of intentions. You too are here to learn from others as they from You. Progress is thus a symbiotic relationship. You are no safer in errors of judgement than anyone else. Remember and be careful. Put no one down, for they may have a message from ME for You to see . To seek out the real the answers in Your selves.

Forget never that You are one part of spark of Myself…the gift was from Me that You found each other…my WILL. Why? Many reasons…but mostly for love mostly and recognition, realization acceptance of ME completely. You are ME, and Your spark keeps growing. Never forget compassion, mercy, gentleness to others. Be happy see the joy in all , in Yourselves, in all that there IS. Gratitude is like a diamond when given in love to me, thus my gifts become many and endless.

This year and years to follow will reveal many secrets for You. Of wisdom, understanding, vision, truth. You know all this but you have to have the key that lies within, thus You have it. Use it, be it.

To You, Lucientien: the move will be tremendous for You. Much will happen in the first 6 months. There You will meet a man who will make You see some things that You haven`t to date. Be sure that You recognize him, for You may well pass him because of feeling superior. Your choice!  Work from the inside out, not outside in. Worry not, protest not where You go, for if You do all will flow into an other vein. Go with the flow, is a fair statement. Make well thoughtful of choices. Sometimes there has to be a circle put around a fire to keep it from consuming all. Make a circle around Yourself, but still fan the fire within with control. There is much to be done. Write for all who are waiting for Your word out there, for that is Your gift, always from Your heart. Do all, around You with patience, understanding and love. All one`s in Your life have a purpose why they are there, all! Once You know that anger will cease and other emotions will rule You. Be ever vigilant of Your spirit, reign it in, in  time.

As for You Belatrix: follow the simple steps. Do not lose focus of the bigger picture and plan the work and work the plan. It is hard, but workable. Do not waste energy on things that You know are the truth. Use the energy on other things. Your path is clear, also listen not to the idle chatter of Your ego. That connection You have now forged with someone recently, must be followed through. It is for mutual benefit, some ideas are fueled there by blindness due to anger, passion, conviction, pain.  Many souls are connected for many reason, this was also meant to be. You made the right choice.

Never worry about Your other half. You both have made the choice in truth. Worry not. Expect nothing , for all is good.  Demand not, for all has been given. Give from the heart. You are different, yet the same. Thus always think of the other with `their` heart, mind soul then all doubt will be dispelled. Have no doubt, either of You. Question not, no need. Be at peace with Yourselves and each other! You are one and one with ME.``

…I haven`t read it, so forgive the grammar, or mistakes…I will read it later on!
Guess, this is our 2008 new year`s message!


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