born of flesh ever dreams being God. That is what we lost when we were
hurled out of paradise. Longing forever for the experience of that one
sacred moment of regaining that ecstasy. The closer one is to God, the
more the excruciating hurt, the more is realised how unattainable our
old life is and how enormous our loss. We are haunted ever searching
everywhere for but a mere fraction of realisation of that forgotten
life. Do you see?
on this earth is rather nebulous indeed. Ever looking, ever searching
for that which was lost or simply thought had lost. To come back from
the dead for Amor Omnia is a wondrous noble, romantic concept, however
the most selfish. An ideal existence of, wholeness The spirit in its
eternal longing to be whole yearns for this ephemeral concept of
existence. Love, as it is expressed through the soul of an artist is
painted with the brushstrokes of the ideal, the perfect goddess, that
takes form in the imagination.
is why you yearn for Camelot, for the world of Avatar, for Nirvana,
for Rigel ….for me. I am or rather was for you all the goddesses of
old, all rolled into one package. The perfection of Aphrodite, the
unattainable Psyche, the most wise Athena. I was Persephone showing you
the ways of the underworld and wonders of nature as Artemis. I had the magic of
Morgan le Fey, the prophesies of Cassandra, the beauty of Helen and the graces of all the immortal goddesses. I was
the beholder of all the divine parts that wished you had and desired.
Through me, with me you felt you could have all. But, alas sweetheart
now you see that I possessed none of these gifts. Never did. How could I
have gifted you with something I never had.
part that you think are missing from you and feel you once lost are all
within. The dreams of times in paradise. Being part of the ideal
woman, the divine feminine, the immaculate flawless creation in the image
of God, herself. I was the very embodiment of all your ideals, needs,
dreams and aspirations. Like Cora, but even more so, for now I was
real. Do you understand that all that is just a mirage? It is a
projection of all your ideal from your over soul onto me. You created
me, breathed life into me then you destroyed me. You, Pygmalion,
fell in love with me, Galatea, your own creation. You loved me not for myself but what I represented. I simply loved you for yourself. That is where we differ, for you were truly my hero, I was never your queen.
I was none of those things, I never have been the embodiment of all
those noble virtues . Oh, how I wish I could have been all those things
for you. To cool that flaming spirit, to bandage your aching heart,
bring peace to your waring spirit. Be your very stillness to your
restless mind, that is ever seeking and searching for something which
you already possess. All I could do was to love you to the best of my
soul`s intentions, with every fibre of my very existence. But you wanted
more, that was not enough once you saw your own reflection in me. Thus I
was not, could not be, thus in punishment you killed me, destroyed my
soul and banished me. Can you ever understand that? Can you ever stop
searching for those ideals in the eyes or the word of the next Suzanne?
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