Sunday 11 March 2012


If you are living on this blue spinning orb, and not on an other planet, then you have bound to have heard about the latest buzz on the internet about the `sky noises`. It is a well known fact that the most inquiry is about these strange noises since January. U-tube is full, with real events, as well as numerous hoaxes.  That is really bad as then it is real hard to actually get to the bottom of this weird phenomena.

The media is pretty quiet about it. Was briefly mentioned here and there, but the primaries seem to be taking up all the time on CNN  and the love life of Angelina and Brad. Mmm-- wonder why? Now, I personally have not heard it myself, but I have heard recordings of it from my brother, whom I trust implicitly. Not is he honest as the day is long, but incredibly scientific also. At this juncture he has absolutely no clue to what it maybe--that is realistically.

The strange thing about these noises is that some are different from others, yet there is a strong parallel undertone. I have done a lot of detective work, as it really seems to perk my interest as to what it maybe. There are a number of candidates that seem very viable. No I don`t think it is Armageddon, or the trumpet of the Lord announcing the `second coming`, but rather some explicable scientific facts--well perhaps I will have to eat crow, already am :). Though I have a few conspiracy theories that I will have to  thrown in for good measure.

Why aren`t more people in the street when all this happens? I wonder. I also wondered, why many are dismissing some of these noises. I got a surprise, maybe from the universe. This is as true as it gets! No hoax, fake or made up. I have tried to listen a number of nights, but the city makes it impossible even in the early hours of the morning to hear anything. So here in Toronto I have heard nothing.

This is the actual happening of the event and I actually heard the recording last night/about 2 plus minutes.

The Event:
This happened on 8 February/2012 at 12.05am...Pickering/Toronto border line/this is approx. 30 km from the center of Toronto--and is about 10 km from Whitby/next to it east is Oshawa . It is in an area called Rouge Valley, a spot that just has been deemed an urban national park, with the Rouge River that empties into Lake Ontario There is the 401 Highway running east/west and parallel to the highway is the train track/maybe less than half a km from Lake Ontario/which lies south .Thus from my brother it is south.

My brother lives top on a ridge facing the valley/about just over half km from the tracks/and highway..the tracks lying south of the highway ...with one row of houses at the end of the garden separating the valley/facing west /the backyard..west is approx.600`of park/small creek (that flows into the Rouge River, which empties into Lake Ontario about 1 km away)/pool/trees. So,they are above the valley/huge houses in the area/next door is close...lying west/east, but the back is clear. The Pickering reactor is 5km away on the edge of the lake, Darlington reactor is further down the 401 past Oshawa.The weather was fine, few degrees C below freezing, clear night

Now the reason why I am eating crow, is because it was loud, and even heard in the house according to him, yet nobody came out!--strange to me. I assure you that this is all true! I so much would have liked to have real proof, to me now I have it.The question now arises. What is, and why is it happening?

Few times a week he is out the back scanning the sky with a 127mm telescope, that is equipped with all kinds of extra gadgets on it, I am not sure if he recorded these noises through the telescope? That I failed to ask. No he hasn`t seen any strange UFOs, but certainly recorded some strange noises, that are very similar to some of the other recordings,and believe me I have listened to many.

The Sound:
The sound is a constant loud zooming/humming--like a bad old radio when you search for channels/no cracking/ with the odd metallic sound very slightly somewhere deep in the background/ very slight fluctuations/but some. It dosn`t sound like the wave type recorded by some others in the Oshawa area some days go those sounded like waves to me--also those sounds seemed far away in the distance,(the person said it came from south /west, that is where the tracks lie) these sounds were right there/but he also said it did seem to come from slightly more from the track direction. This has no wave quality, maybe very, very slight/is more constant/ no saw quality/little of the bee quality/none of the booms that some have. Almost like a tinnitus of the ears/as some patients often describe/a humming/zooming/very slight hissing. It dosn`t have that shrill, frightening sound/neither was it creepy, but very strange, my mom calls it unearthly. Rolling Eyes The recording is about three minutes long, but he says it went on longer.

The recording he made is the actual sound of the volume,which is very loud and he said it seemed to be reverberating in the house. He said it felt and sounded like a train,but though the tracks are about 1km or less away/south of his house. He, is still not convinced himself, and says it maybe the strange conduction of sound from the track. But he has never heard this sound before. Very close to the `Windsor humm`, but a few more sounds in it, and much more intense...maybe the Windsor one wasn`t such a good recording!
Now, I have to admit, in cases as these, it is very difficult to find a group of people who have different belief systems to be on the same page. I have an open mind and my interest encompass numerous belief systems, though my faith is of a religious nature and my work lies in an area that is non-conventional. But faith is different to belief. My belief lies in many forms, as You see my latest is `the strange sound phenomena`, with a very open mind. I have never been an atheist, as I know there is someone, He/She/IT/Them/Source whatever one calls it, out there, but I do respect everyone`s truth.

However this is not for this blog to go into religious or spiritual detail, neither to debate it. My field of work is such, that is different to the norm. But, I know as my interest and curiosity lies in many different areas, thus I have been called different names: Judas by my religious brethren, strange, weird, scientific, unscientific, you name it I have been that for trying to bring people together as a group. Did it work? I have come to the conclusion: Never. Love,wonder, compassion, mercy is replaced by anger, hate, malice, loathing. Crying or Very sad

My curiosity runs wild in different areas as I try and distil my truth from all the possibilities, thus by many I have been called a Pharasee. For I listen to all, never say never and keep to my faith, yet have beliefs which may be strange , different and does not fall into line with my conventional religion. Many find that hard to understand and threatening. I have had may an arguments, especially from different religious groups that I tried to bring together in the name of peace, as I feel that religion has a lot to do with all the problems in the world, in fact all the problems. We all seem to be saying exactly the same thing; only the names change, yet we kill each other for `our truth`. Enough of my history. Back to the `strange noises`.

My different theories are a few: 1. Schumann Resonance, or 2. the `pole shift`/ or reversal which is moving at an increasing speed, according to David Suzuki it is over 40km/year at present and 3. the reduction of the earth`s magnetic field is getting weaker, or 4. the `time wave zero theory`, or 5.` the 100 monkey phenomena` or 6. some of Nikola Tesla`s secrets that HAARP is using or 7. aliens coming or 8 Hapgood theory or 9. …so many are now interested in the 2012 predictions , maybe we are actually creating it, a self fulfilling prophecy. There are a few more theories up my sleeve that I am looking into.. 

One more thought: would we be told by the media, government the truth if there was actually something going on? I think not. Not even if we were on a collision course with Nibiru., that I am certain

But for sure something is happening in many areas of our reality. Or maybe I am just weird alien

I just want to comment on the issue of pole shift.  As we all  know there is a significant difference between a magnetic and a physical pole shift. In a magnetic pole shift the magnetic poles changes their polarity, while in a physical pole shift the axis of rotation of the earth tilts. I do know that the consequences of a magnetic pole shift isn`t so bad, but if a physical total pole shift/rather reversal is horrendous if it happens. Then there will be a tremendous possibility of monumental destruction-- probably the beginning of the end.  Volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, flooding, hurricanes, radiation and other global disasters--Maybe it is Armageddon--John of Patmos may have had  it right. However, a great force is needed for such a physical pole shift to happen, for instance a passing huge comet or Planet-X or Y. Maybe? I feel  in order of importance:  HAARP,  Hapgood theory, Schumann resonance, blue beam project, source field manipulation, pole reversal, galactic alignment, solar flares, 100 monkeys, aliens, ascension to 4D+, Nibiru and Armageddon...let`s not forget the anti-christ!....but if things go really well than The Lord Himself will come once more. Amen to that! 


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