Friday 9 March 2012

Ouroboros ll / Return to wholeness 2012

 I am sure that my other self would be able to explain this time in history in a more intelligent and meaningful fashion intellectually, spiritually, philosophically as well as esoterically.  Express the concept in a more elaborate  form of language  and with more wisdom than I ever can. With exquisite eloquence, and knowledge of the English language, laced with  years of  study of these concepts, and propped up with some theology--of various forms. However--as Our  Lord said; Be like little children, thus I am here with my simple explanation of what I feel to be very strong within me, for which I don`t quite have the words for, but I shall try. Simple is good. Oh, but  how he hates that term.

For reasons unknown, or by Divine decree, most ancient text point to this age and time for things to come to completion. Everything, all  the stories, myths, legends seems to be coming together at this very point in time;  the Mayan, the Hopi, the Sumerian, the Hebrew, the Christian, the Hindu and other texts of ancient and present religions. The strange as well,  the Annunaki, Nibiru, the Reptilians and all the aliens walking amongst us that are apparently running the show here on earth at present. The Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, Freemasons, the different orders of Knights--the good , the bad as well as the ugly, as well as the mystery schools that one has never even heard of are all in the game now fully engaged.

The list is endless and the myriads of the new age theories, ascension, time wave zero, source field, crop circles, galactic alignment, pole reversal as well as shift, black holes, dark matter and white galore and other strange phenomena. All kinds of prophecies, Nostradamus, St Malachy, Cayce even the Oracle of Delphi has been resurrected, as well as Merlin himself  has been mobilized, including Zeus and the whole pantheon of ancient Greek and Roman gods. Let`s not forget, all the goddesses as well, including the great Isis herself.

Lets not forget the Galactic Federation of Light, with all its members from the different galaxies, with an armada of ascended masters hovering above in mother ships streaming down messages of warnings and assurances of things to come. Suddenly we have become so important in the scheme of creation, we are the center of the universe, all else is is spinning around us. Hail to Ptolemy`s theory of geocentrism.

All the different theories in science, physics and the esoteric theories are `mind blowing`as theoretical physicist S. James Gates put it. Brian Greene, Michio Kaku all had similar descriptions of our present status `in the now`.The theoretical physicists are the in-crowd these days, the rock stars of the altered states of reality...:) The mystical and the mysterious, nothing is off limits these days--all is possible and possibly all is. I could go on with this till kingdom come, however you know what I am driving at. It is all coming together, however hopefully not like Richard Harris` famous lines from MacArthur Park;

All the sweet, green icing flowing down.
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh, no

 Hopefully it won`t all melt in the rain !--maybe it will, then at least we really have nothing more to worry about ,-- at all! Our problems will be solved in its entirety for eternity.

No, I don`t believe in Armageddon coming, or the rapture, or end of the world, or Revelations literally, but do figuratively. I for one, do feel very strongly that something is already happening, it is not a sudden process, probably started in the 1987 with the `harmonic convergence`and 2012  will be  the end, or completion. In fact the coming to completion,  the Ouroboros shall have its day. And then rebirth, out of the ashes we shall rise like the phoenix. Gets to be proven that if you wait long enough all things that can happen, will eventually happen.

Why? As all things in the universe, or in creation is ever expanding, speeding up, we are also being upgraded, or promoted would be my description. Why we were chosen to be living in these times is also a mystery, however, I sense it somewhere deep within me that all the souls that were ever created are here at present. The magic number being 7 billion, as we just passed that number. Is this a coincidence? To me there are no such events, only synchronicity with valid reasons and plans of God or whom ever the Intelligent Designer is. Will anyone be left behind. Yes, for we have free will. Will it be for eternity? Not at all. Only temporarily, which maybe numerous lifetimes--but eventually the end game is to go back to whence we came. Go home to what I call God, others  may call it something else. It is an ever rising upward spiral until we reach our final destination, or that Central Sun.

 Now this said number, the 7 billion, would incorporate all our deceased ancestors and all whom ever lived, now re incarnated perhaps as infants or children young and old-- but all ever present to witness this event of completion, of coming into wholeness.

And then what? Well, I think it is time to wake up from sleep--or rather from the confines of our material graves that we desperately cling to, that we dug ourselves into. Climb out from the depths, from the material that keeps us rooted in the muck of darkness, and the light of the soul is eclipsed by the darkness of ignorance and non interest. Nietzsche was right--God is dead, especially these days.  Time to resurrect Him in what ever form, capacity, name or there will be total annihilation . Well, perhaps not, but a start of a new cycle of old once more, repeating all of the same as before, and in a few hundred thousand years we shall be back in the exact spot. So time to wake up and see, hear and act and remember the lessons we have learned through eons, or we shall be in worse  shape and deeper doo-doo then when we originally started.

What to do? Well, that is an individual  endeavor, for each soul.  There is no magic formula, platonic solids, the golden ratio or sacred geometry that will not get us there--only love and surrender and allowing the grace of the Divine to manifest. However, the action to be taken is individual within the confines of each soul and only it knows its purpose and the interpretation thereof. I feel if we really look hard enough, with contrite hearts, with honesty, with sincerity and positive loving intention, then we shall be those who will progress to the next level and are on the right track.

Now this does not mean one has to be a saint to achieve that status. I am sure heaven is filled, well I mean heaven symbolically, with many that would amaze us--many weird and crazy dudes.  I think all is needed to do the best one can with the best of intentions, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and love.

So, bring on 21 December 2012 and let us be re-born  into the a Age of Aquarius with a new spiritual and awakened state, with full realization of consciousness of our divinity and realization  as to whom we really are. We are part of God Himself/Herself/ or whom ever They may be, and be unhooked from the material and get rooted into the aspect of the Divine, and awaken out of our deep amnesia, perhaps coma,  that we have been calling reality. And remember once more our true selves and accept our true inheritance-- and rise like the phoenix once more.


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