Saturday 10 March 2012

Who is the Holy Theotokos?

I am in no way a theologian, however let`s presume that Christianity is fact. Well for me it is, being a Catholic, my article of faith states that Jesus, son of Mary, is God. One part of the Holy Trinity. But then it all begs the question: who is Mary? She has been set aside for centuries, briefly mentioned until John Paul ll brought Her back from the depths of the catacombs into the light of day once more, and placed Her divine image in  mosaic splendor onto the walls on the side of the papal apartments. Also included the Queen of Heaven`s  initial into his papal crest which no pope has ever done, or had the courage to do.

His love for the Blessed Virgin forever guided him throughout his life, through wars, assassination attempts, illness and a most fruitful papacy.  He  ignited a new reverence for the Mother of God in many hearts and  made Her in a way more human, yet more divine in every way. Though the Mother of Divine Grace  has always been present, even more so than Her most Blessed Son.Yet  not even in the `new born Christian ` movement is accepted, and  is practically non existent. She is more visible and is more revered in the Holy Koran than in the New Testament. Why is that?

Aren`t we then the infidels that the Muslims call us. Practically godless. How many of us pray four times a day? Even once? When do we as Christians shout `Allahu Akbar` during every crisis, war or revolution with our last breath. Our last breath is seldom thoughts that`God is Great`. I am off on a bit of a tangent here--.

Well okay, I do have to give the Christians a bit more slack and credit, that is to the Orthodox church, they do give her more reverence and homage, calling her The Most Holy Theotokos--The most Holy Mother of God.

Innumerable visions of Our Blessed Mother are recorded and are attested to by thousands of people. Messages from Her come to people and visionaries almost on a daily basis.  Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, Cairo, Damascus, Akita, Guadeloupe, are a but a few places where Our Lady has appeared, and are attended by millions of pilgrims daily. The  miracles through the Queen of Angels are endless and  have been documented and many verified by the Holy Sea itself. Thus, becoming part of the actual teachings of the Catholic church.

The Biblical story whether literal or figurative is irrelevant when it comes to the matter of faith. The story has been proved from archeological findings and the life of Jesus is a historical fact. Who He was, or whence He came is the question of the ages, and a theological  as well as a philosophical one. I shall leave those can of worms unopened--I have not the intellect, the insight or the knowledge to delve into deep such matters. I just simply believe. I shall leave the spiritual matters to be dissected by greater minds than mine.

Now, where does all this leave the Mother of God? Mary. Is not the mother part of the son? The child part of the mother? In every which way we look at it, even if She was even a surrogate, She was still the mother. Flesh of Her flesh, blood of Her blood. So then who is She? Is She not Goddess Herself? Well for being female.  Am I committing heresy here? Probably rendering excommunication from the church. So be it.

I consider Mary, equal in all aspects to God, or part of. Maybe an other aspect. How many aspects can there be to God? Who is to say there are only three? Why not  trillions or even more, googles.....which is a number with a hundred zeros! As I learned as a child in my first catechism class; `God is everywhere and in everything, and within me`. Now, even then I knew that God is not sitting on a throne in heaven somewhere out is space, but is ever present.

This brings back to my mind a very funny incident that occurred a week or so ago. I took my mother to the doctor, she suffers still from remnants from a car accident that we were involved in last year. So she has PTSS, and cant`t sleep, which  she told her  doctor, who been her physician over 25 years and is now over 86 years old. He said to her that she should meditate every night. Her answer was that she prays almost two hours at night, including the rosary, and an hour in the morning.  You know what his answer was?

`Well praying is different, it is not right here though--it is out there somewhere. God is out there somewhere, meditation is right here` as he pointed to his heart. I had to laugh, silently of course. This is how God is perceived, a non present entity. Though he is a Hindu himself, I have to add. Maybe only they think they know God or rather their gods. We all seem think we are the only ones with the truth.

So to continue on the quest of our most Holy Theotokos--and matters of the spirit.

Is She not called the  Mother of Mercy?  Queen of Peace? The litany of Her names are endless. She states categorically that all has to go through Her to Her Son. We have to pray to Her, as well as the rest of the  Holy Trinity, equally. Now why would the Virgin Most Powerful  ever  say that? Well especially if we profess to be Christian, why aren`t we accepting Her as Goddess. Why is that not dogma?

Well, maybe She was just a simple Jewish virgin, at the time before Gabriel approached Her, however the fact is accepted, that She, Herself was the Immaculate conception, thus free from original sin. No human had ever that distinction, so She was special in every way. Thus then once the Holy Spirit descended onto Her, She at that moment when She conceived Our Lord became a Goddess Herself. Well, even then if we go by this assumption, She is Goddess, even if She wasn`t before the miraculous event, She certainly was after!  Is this not a logical assumption? Also God is genderless, so there is an other confusing fact.

Then why are we so afraid to say it. Face it and say that She is God or rather Goddess, or whatever name we call that which is the Divine Source from which we received our existence. That Divine Consciousness is our very life force. Our very life. She, the Mirror of Justice, the Seat of  Wisdom,  the Mother of Divine Grace , the Mother of Our Creator is the one that is continually asking us to pray, pray, pray incessantly.

Now then,  who should we call Her. Simply, Mary? I am sure for Her it will be just as a form of adoration and love as any other name-- however Our Blessed Mother deserves much more than that!

Yes, as once She told me when I asked Her:~Call me what you will, for you cannot fathom who or what I am. Thus any name will do.~

Some Catholics even cringe at the thought of thinking that  whom they call the Virgin Most Divine and Most Merciful, is in Her own right is God or in earthly terms, rather Goddess being more appropriate. They will burn in the eternal fire, sans redemption for all eternity for even entertaining the thought even briefly.

Now here is a revelation-- I talk to Her and She talks to me.  She is as real to me as my own worldly mother. I once asked her why did God only speak to people in Biblical times? Her answer was;

I have always spoken, I have always been present, I am always with you-- but you need to hear me. And call me whatever you wish, for I AM all there ever IS....I AM EVERYTHING.`

Thus She is The Most Holy Blessed Theotokos!

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