Friday 24 January 2020

What I have learnt

See Videos Of Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Introduction to Kabbalah on his Yohrzeit
There are many way choosing walking through fire-especially being human. Frightening, painful but cleansing and releasing. Ego is such a stubborn creature, it conquers us, and prevents us from seeing the truth. In the past number of weeks, I have taken many steps forward-listening, thinking and coming to numerous conclusions about our humanity, about life. I have always have had an open mind to spirituality-and I see that spirituality is far lacking in most religions-which is simply a “way pointer” for man. Everything is a matter of faith- science would say it is theory, for we do not know really. In truth, creation  is beyond understanding and far beyond complication  for the human mind. Will we ever know-I doubt it only when we transcend this human sphere....maybe.

Religion does not exist as a precursor to entry into the heart of the Divine. I am listening to a number of so called “religious” leaders, and they all so off track-all blowing their own horn, yet no one knows the truth - especially whom the Creator is. Neither do we know the intention of our Creator, yet they all seem to know. What an illusion.

The Torah is divinely inspired—so say the Jews. The New Testament says that it is the word of Our Lord Jesus-who is the Son of the eternal one God, the Messiah-who is the "Word" and "Saviour"". The Angel Gabriel delivered the exact words of Allah-God to record  to Mohamed.  In Hinduism the supreme being is Bahama Creator, Lord of all of creation-with His millions of different manifestations. There are many more minor and strange faith systems-but who have the truth-or they think they do. All are wrong , and all are right-for we know naught.  God-is a hidden, is deep, is divine , is sacred, is unfathomable  and an eternal mystery. Creation from nothing into something is incomprehensible for the mind to comprehend-but God is incomprehensible. Yet it is. And so it is.

I have dived into the Kabbalah head on, listen daily to 3 world re-known rabbis, - and I have been at it seriously-still I am no wiser-only know more of a few things and have even more questions. Knowing the basics of Kabbalah, of the Zohar, the Hebrew alphabet by heart, understanding the sephirots, their meaning, their function and meaning within creation sounds deep and very spiritual looking in, but it is not. Divine revelation-maybe, but incomprehensible to the human mind.

Understanding the different levels of worlds of creation, different levels of soul-etc. Brings us no closer to understanding of God, no more than the peasant woman in the Andes who goes to Mass each Sunday and believes that Christ is in the sacred Host-which she learnt in Catechism class in her entire education which was grade 3.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, for they are-for they believe and we doubt, as we want proof. They are so much holier than we are, so much closer to God.

We want proof, we need proof, we demand proof of God. Yet-proof is here every second, for creation its self is every moment. God is creating constantly. We are just blinded by our ego-in that sense the Kabbalah is correct. 

So what I have learnt is that I know even less than I thought that I knew. I also know for a fact that God has no favourites, and that we all have a purpose- and non of us are a chosen one-no person, no race, no nation. We are all a spark of God equal and connected -a shattered part of perhaps of Adam Kadmon-the universal soul that was fractured. All part of the Divine nature. He has no favourites, for we are all part of His Divine essence . As the Kabbalah says, states- God is always masculine-the giver, the bestower, we are the feminine-the receiver-together we make up the whole part of one of the Divine Sparks of God, who is All that IS< WAS< EVER WILL BE.