Sunday 30 August 2015

We are simply thought

“nothing is constant except change” –so says the Chinese proverb…how apt. 

When we are young we have so many plans, dreams, desires and hopes for ourselves- does not occur to us that we are simply dreamers of the impossible dream I would wager-that perhaps only 1% of humanity has their actual dreams come true. No, I don`t mean money, but the less tangible, spiritual and soul aspirations- mostly love. We think money will make us happy- what a delusion, what a mirage ; it is simply the brainwashing of the people of “have’…..Who are after more money and even more power, thinking with their distorted vision that that will make them happy- or even make them immortal in a way. How, very absurd.

Can they take into unto death? Can they use it in the after life, will it enhance their enlightenment, will it advance them in their spirituality- I think not. So- why the delusion? All indoctrination of the material world…. but this is not our reality; we are simply butterflies dreaming we are man- an illusion, a fantasy – a dream of the Gods or their play with creation.

Happiness does not exist- only special moments –which are simply moments…like the mist comes and goes and all we have is the vague memory of the moment…. so then  what is real and what is illusion? We are in this story, or thought of our creator who is either imagining us up, or is simply dreaming us up; so in any event we are not real. Simply thoughts of the Creator…why? Only the Creator knows….we are mere thought forms and our mission is yet to be discovered and divulged – however  perhaps we may never know, for maybe we are simply thought forms dissolving into nothingness as the morning mist; once here  and in a moment never to be .

Well....9 years is simply a moment. But it was good -wasn`t it my sweet dragon? Wasn`t it?...even for a moment;what a moment a glimpse of infinity perhaps.