Wednesday 25 March 2015

Conscious channelling

Conscious Channelling

 I have never thought about this, generally I always was under the impression that all channelling should be flowing through the portal unconsciously- but now I have come to the conclusion that that is absolutely not the case. It is better to be conscious, but totally submit to the “higher self”, so to speak- and to allow intuition; the third language to express the “self”. One has to allow free expression and not impede the flow; the ego has to move aside and feel the message, become one with the message.

Now what is the message- I ask consciously. It is about time, and the concept of time and making it work for you in the linear world- but viewing it from a quantum world. How can this be done? What is the purpose? And what is the benefit? Is this necessary?  What is the end result?

 This can be done but disconnecting, or unplugging from the concept of temporal time – simply having the positive intention  will start the process. Take a few minutes to imagine; closing your eyes- that you are floating in space- there is nothing sensory present- all feelings are non-existent. It feels like you are floating in the amniotic fluid in the womb. Remember how it was? Now-when you remember ; feel the feelings that come into your consciousness; open your eyes- and look around-all around you will look totally different. See the different colours, feel the different vibrations, hear the different sounds present—they are all much higher in volume, more intense and more palpable.

Take these sensations and incorporate the feelings into your everyday, waking consciousness, consciously -see everything thus, experience thus. Every moment be conscious of your quantum existence- and though this practice it will become more and more familiar—allowing you to experience the coming “quantum time”-Simply be present. Step out of the box, into the borderless freedom that you were given as your inheritance. No more constriction; it is all just expansion into infinity. In the beginning this will need a little more conscious effort, however after a very short time it will become automatic.

The purpose here is to familiarize yourself with being present in a multi dimensional state; in a quantum state for from here you can actually talk to your innate self and ask specific questions that you need to know. It has all the answers, it knows all and acts according to your instructions. It will also amplify the function of your DNA from 34% to 44% -which gives you more power. Oh yes- it is there, you only have to activate it though conscious effort. There will be more of a connection ; more dialogue between the “higher self”—and the portals through the pineal will be opened and the energy will flow unimpeded. How much – depends on you entirely.

The benefit is that you will see a more panoramic view of your existence- and because you have free will you can actually create your own reality, for you are part of the “Creative Source”. This is the first step of ascension- and is the reason of you, and the reason for the planet being here. Through this- the vibration of all that exists will be raised; and a new world germinate for this is the path of universal evolution.

 Yes- this is necessary for you already have walked past the point of no return- all is in ascension mode; like it or not. Some sooner, some later-but through this you can by-pass a few extra step-  if this is done, the process becomes much faster.  If you are fully awake, it is much easier to act then when you are asleep. The choice is your; you have free will- choose wisely for choose you must.
The end result is that not only you, but the planet will vibrate at a higher consciousness level- peace, compassion, joy and love will prevail in union with humanity.

This the function of the “divine self”—with an ever expanding “Merkabah”, now is about six to eight feet to hundreds of feet - and the expansion of the human consciousness to a much higher vibrational level.